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Applied Drug Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs


ISSN (Print): 2667-3371
ISSN (Online): 2667-338X

Research Article

Efficacy of Topical Formulations in Healing of Caesarean Scars Using Non-Invasive Devices: A Controlled Trial

Author(s): Alia Abdullah, Rawya Al Kredly and Mohamed Baguneid*

Volume 8, Issue 2, 2021

Published on: 28 December, 2020

Article ID: e301221189506 Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/2213476X07999201228111027

Price: $65


Background: Despite the availability of many topical formulations for scar treatment, an objective evaluation of their effectiveness is lacking.

Objective: To assess the physiological, structural, and mechanical parameters of scar healing by a scar ointment (MEBO-Scar).

Methods: 45 patients from the Department of Obstetrics at Al Ain Hospital, UAE, with recently acquired Pfannenstiel scars were recruited into this prospective, open-label, controlled study. Scar ointment was applied to a lateral third of the scar; positive control (silicone gel based topical) to the other lateral third; the middle third was left untreated (negative control). The scars were evaluated at 4 time points up to 12 weeks using non-invasive devices and a scar questionnaire.

Results: In comparison with silicone gel, there was a significant reduction in trans epithelial water loss at weeks 2, 4, 8, and 12 (p<0.001) and scar area at weeks 4, 8 and 12 (p<0.001) with scar ointment. The skin elasticity at week 4 was significantly increased by scar ointment (p=0.007). By week 12, gross colour mismatch of the scar was described by 9% patients with scar ointment (24% with silicone gel, 42% with no treatment; p<0.001). There was a significant improvement in scar texture with scar ointment by week 12 (p<0.001).

Conclusion: Scar ointment has beneficial effects on objective and subjective patient-reported parameters of Pfannenstiel scars.

Keywords: Scar treatment, MEBO-Scar ointment, patient reported outcomes, dermalab, manchester scar scale, wound healing

Graphical Abstract

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