Ethanol is one of the most common teratogens, causing a broad range of physiological, neuronal and behavioral problems, named as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Expression of various molecules involved in apoptosis, signaling pathways, and innate immune system, has been shown to change upon acute ethanol exposure. Gene expression profiling has been attempted by several groups, but comprehensive understanding is required, considering different experimental protocols used by each group. In this review, we summarize previously published reports of transcriptome analyses and our own previously unpublished results of cDNA microarray, according to developmental stages of brain and discuss about what we have learned from the results.
Keywords: Transcriptome analysis, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Acute Ethanol Exposure, cDNA microarray, FASD, synaptogenesis, TNFRSF1A, PI3K signaling pathways, glycolysis , neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, brain damage, dysmorphism, glandular tissues
Current Psychopharmacology
Title:Changes of Gene Expression in the Developing Brain by Acute Ethanol Exposure
Volume: 1
Author(s): Nayoung Kim, Sang Soo Kang and Wan Sung Choi
Keywords: Transcriptome analysis, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Acute Ethanol Exposure, cDNA microarray, FASD, synaptogenesis, TNFRSF1A, PI3K signaling pathways, glycolysis , neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, brain damage, dysmorphism, glandular tissues
Abstract: Ethanol is one of the most common teratogens, causing a broad range of physiological, neuronal and behavioral problems, named as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Expression of various molecules involved in apoptosis, signaling pathways, and innate immune system, has been shown to change upon acute ethanol exposure. Gene expression profiling has been attempted by several groups, but comprehensive understanding is required, considering different experimental protocols used by each group. In this review, we summarize previously published reports of transcriptome analyses and our own previously unpublished results of cDNA microarray, according to developmental stages of brain and discuss about what we have learned from the results.
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Kim Nayoung, Soo Kang Sang and Sung Choi Wan, Changes of Gene Expression in the Developing Brain by Acute Ethanol Exposure, Current Psychopharmacology 2012; 1 (4) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2211556011201040344
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2211556011201040344 |
Print ISSN 2211-5560 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |
Online ISSN 2211-5579 |
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