Page: iii-iii (1)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010003
PDF Price: $15
An Introduction to Thyroid Physiology
Page: 1-24 (24)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010005
PDF Price: $15
This chapter is a general introduction to this book and contains basic
concepts of thyroid hormone signaling for a better understanding of the book’s subject.
It begins with an introduction that offers a simplified view of thyroid hormones as
iodine-containing compounds and the regulatory function of the hypothalamuspituitary-thyroid axis, followed by a description of the thyroid gland and thyroid
hormone synthesis. Iodide transporters concentrate iodide in the gland and after
oxidation, it is incorporated into thyroglobulin tyrosyl residues. The coupling of
iodotyrosyl residues forms T4 and T3, which are released after thyroglobulin
hydrolysis. Thyroid hormones act via nuclear receptors, which are ligand-regulated
transcription factors, and T3 is the primary active thyroid hormone that binds to the
receptors. T3 is produced primarily in extrathyroidal tissues by the action of deiodinase
enzymes catalyzing the removal of an iodine atom from T4. Thyroid hormones are
ancient signaling molecules with critical actions on growth and metabolism that
regulate many developmental transitions, with evolutionary roots at the base of the
chordate species.
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Page: 25-38 (14)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010006
PDF Price: $15
Congenital hypothyroidism is a thyroid hormone deficiency disorder present
at birth due to thyroid gland failure. There are two types: primary and central. Primary
congenital hypothyroidism is caused by either developmental disorders of the thyroid
gland or defects in thyroid hormone synthesis. The central type, which is much less
common, is caused by decreased TSH secretion or bioactivity. Thyroid dysgenesis and
dyshormonogenesis are the major causes of congenital hypothyroidism. Most cases are
multifactorial, involving several genes, and a small percentage is monogenic. Thyroid
failure occurs prenatally, but maternal thyroid hormones may prevent fetal
hypothyroidism and protect the brain. Untreated congenital hypothyroidism severely
affects postnatal development, but neonatal screening allows for early thyroid hormone
treatment, effectively preventing hypothyroidism.
Deiodinases in the Brain
Page: 39-64 (26)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010007
PDF Price: $15
Deiodinases (DIO) are central to regulating thyroid hormone action in the
brain because they control the tissue concentration of the active hormone
triiodothyronine (T3). DIO2, the outer ring, 5’-deiodinase expressed in the brain,
converts T4 to T3 and is active primarily in two glial cell types: astrocytes and
tanycytes. Astrocytes produce all of brain T3 during the fetal period and a significant
fraction in adults. T3 from astrocytes reaches other neural cells, mainly neurons, devoid
of DIO2. The T3 produced in the tanycytes travels to hypothalamic nuclei to perform
neuroendocrine functions. DIO2 is expressed in the human fetal brain’s neural stem
cells, known as outer radial glia. The inner ring, 5-deiodinase DIO3, converts T4 and
T3 to the inactive compounds reverse T3 (rT3) and 3,3’T2, respectively, a reaction
equivalent to suppressing thyroid hormone action. Brain DIO3 is active mainly in
neurons. Thyroid hormones regulate the gene expression and enzymatic activity of
DIO2 and DIO3. When T4 concentrations rise, DIO2 activity falls, and when T4 goes
down, DIO2 increases. T3 stimulates the DIO3 gene, and DIO3 activity increases when
T3 increases. The combined actions of DIO2 and DIO3 exert a “homeostatic-like
mechanism” to maintain locally appropriate bioactivity of thyroid hormone by
providing individual brain cells with the optimal concentrations of T3 required at
different stages of development. These mechanisms regulate thyroid hormone action
with a timeline specific to different brain regions.
Unraveling the Role of Maternal Thyroid Hormones on Fetal Development
Page: 65-82 (18)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010008
PDF Price: $15
Over the past four decades, a substantial body of evidence has emerged
demonstrating the permeability of the placenta to thyroid hormones. Maternal thyroid
hormones cross the placental barrier, becoming present in embryonic tissues well
before the onset of thyroid gland function in both rodents and humans. This raises a
fundamental question regarding the extent to which certain early developmental
processes rely on maternal hormonal influence. While this concept is firmly supported
by robust experimental data in rodents, the situation in humans is more nuanced.
Numerous clinical observations suggest that a reduction in T4 levels in the blood of
otherwise euthyroid pregnant women, a condition known as hypothyroxinemia, may
have adverse effects on fetal development. However, clinical trials aimed at assessing
the impact of treating maternal hypothyroxinemia with T4 have yielded disappointing
results thus far, leaving the matter unresolved.
Endemic Goiter and Cretinism: Pathophysiology of Iodine Deficiency
Page: 83-98 (16)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010009
PDF Price: $15
Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormones, and its deficiency
causes endemic goiter, cretinism, and a constellation of syndromes known as iodine
deficiency disorders. Although iodine deficiency still affects most of the world,
national or regional salt iodization programs have increased the number of countries
with adequate intake. Endemic cretins were classified as either predominantly
neurological or myxedematous (hypothyroid). Severe maternal iodine deficiency
causes fetal neurological damage during the first half of gestation, which is prevented
by administering iodine to mothers before or early in pregnancy. Myxedematous
cretins present thyroid atrophy, hypothyroidism, and growth arrest, and no neurological
involvement. Physiological adaptations to iodine deficiency include thyroid growth
(goiter) and thyroidal autoregulatory mechanisms leading to decreased serum T4 and
preserved serum T3. This situation is known as hypothyroxinemia, as described in
Chapter 4. The brain, which depends on the T3 generated locally, shows an increased
type 2 deiodinase activity and T3 formation from T4. When iodine intake is severe,
these mechanisms cannot maintain T3 concentrations in the brain, leading to brain
Cellular Transporters for Thyroid Hormones
Page: 99-118 (20)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010010
PDF Price: $15
Thyroid hormones require transporter proteins that facilitate their influx and
efflux through the cellular plasma membranes. There are many families of thyroid
hormone transporter proteins, most of which transport other substrates, including bile
acids, amino acids, monocarboxylates, and organic anions. The only transporter
specific for thyroid hormones is the monocarboxylate 8 transporter or MCT8. MCT8 is
present in the brain barriers and the membranes of neural cells. MCT8 mutations cause
the Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome, described in the next chapter. Besides MCT8,
the amino acid transporters LAT1 and LAT2 might have a physiological role in T4 and
T3 transport. The organic anion transporter polypeptide 1C1 or OATP1C1 is a T4
transporter present in the mouse, but not the human, blood-brain barrier, and facilitates
T4 transport to astrocytes and radial glia expressing type 2 deiodinase. A
neurodegenerative disorder in a patient has been attributed to an OATP1C1 mutation.
This chapter describes the physiological aspects of thyroid hormone transport across
the different transporter families.
The Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome: Pathophysiology and Mouse Models of MCT8 Deficiency
Page: 119-143 (25)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010011
PDF Price: $15
Mutations of the thyroid hormone cell-transporter gene, monocarboxylate
transporter 8, or MCT8, cause an X-linked syndrome characterized by altered thyroid
hormone concentrations in serum, profound neuromotor impairment, and cognitive
deficits. This chapter describes the clinical features of the syndrome and analyzes the
mechanisms of disease from studies of MCT8 deficiency in mice. The final section of
the chapter describes the available treatments and experimental therapies.
Thyroid Hormone Receptors in the Brain: Distribution and Deletion Effects on Brain Structure and Behavior
Page: 144-165 (22)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010012
PDF Price: $15
The thyroid hormone receptors, encoded by the THRA and THRB genes,
transduce the actions of T3. Receptor expression analysis gave clues on thyroid
hormone and receptor functions in specific brain regions or cell types. This chapter
describes the studies performed on rodents on receptor expression by various
methodologies, including in situ hybridization and the phenotype of Thra and Thrb
knockout mice. Most brain regions express the receptors from fetal stages. Receptor
expression studies on rodents indicate that thyroid hormones regulate neuronal
migration and differentiation during neocortical and cerebellar development. Given the
critical role of thyroid hormones in brain development, it was expected that disruption
of the receptor genes would be equivalent to hormone deprivation. However, in many
cases, this is not so, raising the question of the role of unliganded receptor activity in
hypothyroidism. This chapter ends with the few available data on receptor expression
in the human fetal brain.
Pathophysiology and Mouse Models of Thyroid Hormone Resistance Syndromes: A Focus on the Brain
Page: 166-179 (14)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010013
PDF Price: $15
Thyroid hormone receptor mutations cause syndromes of resistance to the
action of thyroid hormones (RTH) with autosomal dominant inheritance. Mutations in
the THRA gene, encoding TRα1 and TRα2, cause RTHα, and those in THRB, encoding
TRβ1 and TRβ2, cause RTHβ. In RTHα, relatively mild changes in circulating thyroid
hormones coexist with signs of congenital hypothyroidism. In contrast, in RTHβ, TSH
levels are not suppressed despite elevated thyroid hormone levels. The mutant
receptors have low or no T3-induced activation and display dominant negative activity,
inhibiting the wild-type receptors’ transcriptional activation. This chapter describes the
main characteristics of RTH, including a discussion of the mouse models of the
disorder, with an emphasis on neural aspects.
Thyroid Hormone-Regulated Genes in the Brain
Page: 180-201 (22)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010014
PDF Price: $15
Thyroid hormone exerts its actions by binding to nuclear receptors and
regulating gene expression. Gene expression regulation by thyroid hormone in the
brain is highly complex, with thousands of genes under the direct or indirect influence
of T3. Adding to the complexity, gene dependence of T3 is age- and region-dependent,
with diverse time window sensitivity. The maximal gene expression responses to T3 in
rodents extend from the last 2-3 days of fetal life to the end of the first month, peaking
around postnatal days 15-21. T3 regulates genes involved in almost all aspects of brain
function, from developmental genes to genes involved in metabolic and cell signaling
pathways. In most cases, the effect of T3 is to fine-tune the relative abundance of
selected gene products at the right time and place, promoting maturational processes
during developmental transitions.
Actions of Thyroid Hormones on Myelination
Page: 202-218 (17)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010015
PDF Price: $15
The control of myelination in the central nervous system is a classical action
of thyroid hormones. In rodents, thyroid hormone deficiency during the fetal and
postnatal periods delays central myelin deposition and oligodendrocyte gene
expression. Oligodendrocytes differentiate from precursor cells (OPC), originating
from radial glial cells in the ventricular and subventricular zones after multiple cell fate
decisions controlled by developmental genes. The interplay between growth factors
acting at the cell membranes and nuclear receptors, such as those for T3 and retinoic
acid, regulates OPC differentiation. Growth factors promote OPC proliferation, and the
liganded nuclear receptors promote cell cycle exit. Myelination occurs in axons that
reach a critical size, and thyroid hormone might also indirectly affect myelination
through axonal maturation effects. In the clinical setting, myelination can be analyzed
by magnetic resonance imaging in hypothyroid states with variable results.
How Thyroid Hormones Shape the Brain
Page: 219-257 (39)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010016
PDF Price: $15
This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the role of thyroid
hormones in the development of key brain structures: the cerebral cortex, hippocampus,
striatum, and cerebellum, as well as the sense organs retina and cochlea.
Hypothyroidism is generally associated with impairments in axodendritic development,
synaptogenesis, neuron migration and differentiation, and myelination. In the
developing cerebral cortex, hypothyroidism delays the appearance of Cajal-Retzius
cells, critical for the proper migration of neurons, causing migration defects. The
maturation of the transient subplate layer, crucial for establishing thalamocortical
connections, is also delayed. The hippocampal formation experiences a reduction in the
number of granular cells and mossy fibers. In the cerebellum, hypothyroidism arrests
the maturation of the Purkinje cells and delays the migration of the granular cells to the
internal granular layer. In the striatum, hypothyroidism delays the accumulation of the
medium-spiny GABAergic neurons, the principal cells of the striatum. Parvalbumin
interneurons in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices are also affected. Thyroid hormone
induces extensive remodeling during cochlear and retinal maturation. Contrary to
expectations, receptor-deficient mice often do not exhibit these alterations, while the
expression of mutant receptors with impaired T3 binding results in hypothyroid
features. In rodents, the effects of thyroid hormones are most prominent during the
postnatal period. Conversely, in humans, the second trimester of pregnancy is a crucial
period for neural development. The coordinated development of the thyroid hormone
signaling system, encompassing brain T3 and the ontogenesis of receptors, deiodinases,
and regulated genes, closely aligns with late maturational processes. This intricate
interplay underscores the significance of thyroid hormones in shaping the structural and
functional aspects of the developing brain.
Mechanisms of Thyroid Hormone Action on Adult Neurogenesis
Page: 258-265 (8)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010017
PDF Price: $15
In adult mammals, neurogenesis persists throughout life in two active sites:
the ventricular-subventricular zone along the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone
of the hippocampus. In rodents, postnatal neural stem cells with astrocytic properties,
originating from embryonic ventricular radial glia, generate a continuous, lifelong
supply of neurons for the olfactory bulb and glia for the corpus callosum. Thyroid
hormones play a regulatory role in this process. In humans, ventricular neurogenesis is
minimal, but hippocampal neurogenesis extensively remodels the dentate gyrus,
influencing memory and mood. Hippocampal neurogenesis begins with stem cells in
the dentate gyrus subgranular layer, generating a sequential lineage of intermediate
precursors and neuroblasts. These neuroblasts migrate to the granular layer,
differentiate into granular cells, and integrate into the existing dentate gyrus neuronal
pool. Thyroid hormone specifically regulates the late stages of this process, promoting
the terminal differentiation of neuroblasts and facilitating their functional integration.
Hypothyroidism disrupts hippocampal neurogenesis, impacting learning, memory, and
mood. The intricate regulation of adult neurogenesis by thyroid hormone highlights
their crucial role in maintaining cognitive and emotional functions.
Thyroid Hormones and Mood Disorders
Page: 266-275 (10)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010018
PDF Price: $15
Thyroid hormone deficiency or excess may cause emotional disturbances
and mood disorders, encompassing major depressive syndromes and bipolar disorders,
along with various other neuropsychiatric conditions, some of which may have
developmental origins. In particular, profound long-term untreated hypothyroidism can
culminate in severe psychosis, historically referred to as myxedema madness.
Addressing the underlying thyroid condition typically proves highly effective in
rectifying the associated brain disorder. Subclinical thyroid diseases have also been
implicated in emotional and cognitive disorders, prompting inquiry into the optimal
treatment window. Moreover, thyroid hormones have demonstrated potential in
expediting or augmenting the effects of standard mood disorder treatments in euthyroid
patients, hinting at a baseline state of localized cerebral hypothyroidism with an
uncertain pathogenesis, potentially remediable through high doses of thyroid hormones.
Subject Index
Page: 276-281 (6)
Author: Juan Bernal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274226124010019
PDF Price: $15
This comprehensive textbook offers an in-depth exploration of how thyroid hormones influence brain development and function, particularly on cellular and molecular mechanisms. Readers will find current insights into the complex interplay between the thyroid and neurological systems, making it a valuable resource for researchers, advanced learners and clinicians in the fields of endocrinology, neuroscience, and developmental biology. The book starts with a review of thyroid physiology, setting the stage for subsequent chapters that cover specific topics such as the impact of maternal thyroid hormones on fetal brain development and the effects of iodine deficiency. From here, the book progresses to cover the regulation of brain gene expression, neuronal and glial cell differentiation, and myelination by thyroid hormones, and how thyroid hormones shape the brain. Finally, the book addresses the link between thyroid dysfunction and mood disorders. Key features - A thorough examination of the historical and the latest research findings through 14 chapters - Clear explanations of molecular pathways - Emphasis on both theoretical knowledge and practical applications - Detailed and research-focused content scientific references for further reading