Healthcare systems face numerous impediments due to the unavailability of
proper mechanisms to track the transactions related to patient’s medical records. The
maintenance and privacy of patient records are one of the key requirements of the
healthcare system. Blockchain can be the potential solution to these problems.
Blockchains have made a tremendous impact ever since their invention barely a decade
ago. This paper delves into how blockchain can be used to solve the problem of patient
record management by constructing scalable decentralised key systems with inbuilt
sharing of credentials in a safe, secure, and digitally verifiable way. The work presents
a hybrid scalable system capable of managing personal identity in a decentralized
manner with no dependence on central authorities along with a rapid and simplistic
way of exchanging claims among the users. The system overcomes potentially all
problems associated with SOVRIN and blockchains in general by splitting itself into
two symbiotic versions, one centralised and the other, decentralised.
Keywords: Blockchain, Healthcare, Identity management, Decentralized applications, IoT.