General Review Article

Challenges and New Therapeutic Approaches in the Management of Chronic Wounds

Author(s): Hongmin Sun*, Lakshmi Pulakat and David W. Anderson

Volume 21, Issue 12, 2020

Page: [1264 - 1275] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1389450121666200623131200

Price: $65


Chronic non-healing wounds are estimated to cost the US healthcare $28-$31 billion per year. Diabetic ulcers, arterial and venous ulcers, and pressure ulcers are some of the most common types of chronic wounds. The burden of chronic wounds continues to rise due to the current epidemic of obesity and diabetes and the increase in elderly adults in the population who are more vulnerable to chronic wounds than younger individuals. This patient population is also highly vulnerable to debilitating infections caused by opportunistic and multi-drug resistant pathogens. Reduced microcirculation, decreased availability of cytokines and growth factors that promote wound closure and healing, and infections by multi-drug resistant and biofilm forming microbes are some of the critical factors that contribute to the development of chronic non-healing wounds. This review discusses novel approaches to understand chronic wound pathology and methods to improve chronic wound care, particularly when chronic wounds are infected by multi-drug resistant, biofilm forming microbes.

Keywords: Chronic wounds, infections, epidemic of obesity, biofilm, cytokines, pathogens.

Graphical Abstract

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