Gold nanoparticles have attracted much attention these last two decades because of their optical and catalytic properties and their potential applications in biology and cancer therapy. Synthesis of gold based nanoparticles of controlled size, morphology and structure is important to study their properties and to optimize their applications. Photochemical and radiolytic reduction, which induce homogeneous nucleation and reduction, lead to nanoparticles of controlled size and shape. Gold-based bimetallic nanoparticles of controlled composition and structure (Au-Ag, Au-Pt, Au- Pd … ) and composite materials have been synthesized by these methods. Examples of applications in optical limitation, catalysis, electrocatalysis (fuel cells) and photocatalysis are presented. Here, we also discussed some relevant patents.
Keywords: Bimetallic nanoparticles, Composite materials, Gold nanoparticles, Photochemical synthesis, Photolysis, Photoreduction, Photosensitization, Radiolysis, Three-dimensional processing.