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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Review Article

A Review on Nuclear Imaging as a Promising Modality for Efficient Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

Author(s): Asma Rafique, Rashid Rasheed, Saba Shamim, Munazza Ijaz and Ghulam Murtaza*

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2022

Published on: 10 December, 2021

Article ID: e070721194580 Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1573405617666210707150811

Price: $65


Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease, which has been declared as a global health issue by the World Health Organization in 1993. Due to the complex pathophysiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it remains a global threat. This article reviews the conventional diagnostic modalities for tuberculosis, their limitations to detect latent TB, multiple drug resistant-TB, human immunodeficiency virus co-infected TB lesions, and TB in children. Moreover, this review illustrates the importance of nuclear medicine imaging for early, non-invasive diagnosis of TB, to detect disease stages and to monitor therapy response. Single-photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography with their particular radionuclides are now extensively being used for a thorough assessment of TB.

Keywords: Diagnostics, latent tuberculosis, multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis, nuclear medicine, single-photon emission computed tomography, positron emission tomography.

Graphical Abstract

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