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Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery


ISSN (Print): 1574-891X
ISSN (Online): 2212-4071

Social Leverage of Intellectual Property: Road to the Development of Better Therapy for Tuberculosis

Author(s): Harry Thangaraj and Rajko Reljic

Volume 4, Issue 2, 2009

Page: [114 - 122] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/157489109788490307

Price: $65


Current TB drug development is beset with many problems. There is a perceived lack of commercial return on investment, as the vast majority of TB patients come from impoverished areas of the world. Clinical trials for new TB drugs are complex, protracted and very expensive. Therefore, the development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs requires simultaneous forward planning of the design of the trials that will be required for licensing purposes. In this article we briefly review the current state of new TB drug development and discuss issues related to intellectual property (IP), with a special emphasis on how IP can facilitate rather than hinder the development of better TB drugs. We also list and discuss the major patent applications that underpin TB drugs that have entered prominent clinical trials and additional applications that were filed over the last five years for drugs resulting from basic upstream research.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, drugs, intellectual property, patents, partnerships

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