Both classic and emerging literature point to sex-based disparity in neuronal metabolism. While detectable under baseline conditions, this phenomenon appears to be exaggerated or sometimes unmasked in neurons by cellular stress. A complex sex-dependent response to nutrient deprivation, excitotoxicity, oxidative/nitrositive stress, oxygen-glucose deprivation, and chemical toxicity has been observed in neurons in vitro, as well as after various insults including ischemic or traumatic brain injury in vivo. Importantly, sex-based disparity in response to diverse therapeutics has been seen in neurons in culture, contemporary animal models of brain injury, and in human disease. These have clear implications for pharmacological design of therapeutics targeting central nervous system diseases involving both males and females, and preclinical testing of promising agents.
Keywords: Apoptosis, autophagy, gender, oxidative stress, nitrosative stress, nutrient deprivation, starvation, neuronal metabolism, ischemia, cachexia
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Title: Unmasking Sex-Based Disparity in Neuronal Metabolism
Volume: 17 Issue: 35
Author(s): Mioara D. Manole, Roya Tehranian-DePasquale, Lina Du, Hulya Bayır, Patrick M. Kochanek and Robert S.B. Clark
Keywords: Apoptosis, autophagy, gender, oxidative stress, nitrosative stress, nutrient deprivation, starvation, neuronal metabolism, ischemia, cachexia
Abstract: Both classic and emerging literature point to sex-based disparity in neuronal metabolism. While detectable under baseline conditions, this phenomenon appears to be exaggerated or sometimes unmasked in neurons by cellular stress. A complex sex-dependent response to nutrient deprivation, excitotoxicity, oxidative/nitrositive stress, oxygen-glucose deprivation, and chemical toxicity has been observed in neurons in vitro, as well as after various insults including ischemic or traumatic brain injury in vivo. Importantly, sex-based disparity in response to diverse therapeutics has been seen in neurons in culture, contemporary animal models of brain injury, and in human disease. These have clear implications for pharmacological design of therapeutics targeting central nervous system diseases involving both males and females, and preclinical testing of promising agents.
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D. Manole Mioara, Tehranian-DePasquale Roya, Du Lina, Bayır Hulya, M. Kochanek Patrick and S.B. Clark Robert, Unmasking Sex-Based Disparity in Neuronal Metabolism, Current Pharmaceutical Design 2011; 17 (35) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/138161211798357737
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/138161211798357737 |
Print ISSN 1381-6128 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |
Online ISSN 1873-4286 |
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