Survival time probably is the most important factor for patients suffering from GBM. However, survival time is also of interest when analyzing efficacy of new therapeutic approaches. Several factors, including the degree of tumor resection, have been reported to influence survival time in patients with GBM. Postoperative imaging modalities including MRI, CT, as well as TCS in this setting play a crucial role to exactly determine the degree of tumor removal. In this review we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these imaging modalities and the associated pitfalls. Newer modalities like PET-CT and new therapeutic strategies including locally applied chemotherapy (Gliadel) or convection enhanced delivery (CED) and related imaging findings are also discussed.
Keywords: MRI, CT, diffusion, perfusion, ultrasound, blood, Gliadel waver, convection enhanced delivery, sonography, radionuclide-based imaging, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, diffusion weighted imaging, DWI, Diffusion tensor imaging, Fractional anisotropy, brain tumors, FLAIR imaging, Transcranial Sonography, FDG-PET, Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET, combined radiochemotherapy, Gliadel-Wafer, CED