Background: Recent trials suggest that disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for Alzheimer’s disease may become available soon. With the expected high price and a large patient pool, the budget impact will be substantial.
Objective: We explore combinations of effectiveness and price under which a DMT is cost-effective.
Methods: We used an open-source model to conduct two-way scenario analyses for both payer and societal perspectives, varying price, and treatment effect size simultaneously. The analysis generates costeffectiveness threshold prices over a potential range of DMT effectiveness in patients aged 65+ with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease in the US.
Results: Under the willingness-to-pay a threshold of $150,000 per quality-adjusted life year and assuming 30% risk reduction relative to the standard of care, the maximum cost-effective price of a DMT per patient per year is ~$22,000 and ~$15,000 from societal and payer perspectives, respectively.
Conclusion: Joint variation of price and treatment effect size can help assess the cost-effectiveness of a potential Alzheimer’s disease treatment.
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, cost-effectiveness analysis, pricing, drug development, disease-modifying therapy.
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