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Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture


ISSN (Print): 2212-7984
ISSN (Online): 1876-1429

The Multidisciplinary Issue of Obesity: Epidemiological Studies, Company Strategies and Policy Actions: A Systematic and Methodological Review of the Research Approaches

Author(s): Chiara Paffarini, Linda Fioriti and Laura Marchini

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2016

Page: [62 - 69] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/221279840801160304153731

Price: $65


Background: The work is a review of studies carried out in recent years on the epidemic of obesity. The issue of obesity includes several disciplines: medical-health, socio-economic impacts and policy actions.

Methods: This review focuses on the three main areas of study: the first area is about patent epidemiological researches, the second one analyzes the companies that focus on research and development towards less obesogenic foods and the third one investigates on the policies actions adopted by European governments to address the problem of obesity.

Results: This study underlined a more strong scientific production relative to US and UK countries compared with the southern countries of the world where the attention of scientists and politicians to the obesity is lower due to the problems of food security rather than to those of inappropriate lifestyle.

Conclusion: The study of the cause and effects of this phenomenon through epidemiological researches is a good tool to counteract obesity. However, the development of policies controlling and contrasting obesogenic food production is fundamental like greater communication to consumers on the risks of obesity and foods processing.

Keywords: Obesity, epidemiological studies, CSR, company strategies, products reformulation.

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