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Current Environmental Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2212-7178
ISSN (Online): 2212-7186

Na/K Binary Synergetic Effect in Lithium Orthosilicate for Enhancing High-Temperature CO2 Capture

Author(s): Qi Feng, Xin Xu, Xianfei Zeng, Guoqiang Lv, Jianxin Deng, Wenhui Ma and Yang Zhou

Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015

Page: [127 - 131] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/221271780202160122203205

Price: $65


Binary liquid doping of Na/K with various molar ratios into lithium orthosilicate (Li3.92NaxKySiO4) were synthesized by citric acid-assisted sol-gel methods. The CO2 sorption capacity of Li3.92NaxKySiO4 was investigated by TG analysis under a gas stream containing 50% CO2 and 50% N2 in a wide range from room temperature to 900 0C. Results indicated the sorption of CO2 for the different Na/K doping lithium orthosilicate occurred between 480-700 0C and the maximum sorption of CO2 was obtained at approximately 700 0C. The optimum ratio of binary doping of Na/K into lithium orthosilicate was determined to be 1:1 (Li3.92Na0.04K0.04SiO4) and the maximum sorption of CO2 may attain up to 30.7% (g/g) under the condition of optimum Na/K doping ratio, implying synergetic enhancement effect of Na and K elements on doping vacancies into the Li4SiO4 lattice may enhance the CO2 sorption capacity.

Keywords: Citric acid-assisted sol-gel, CO2 capture, heterogeneous catalysis, lithium orthosilicate, Na/K doping, synergetic effect.

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