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Current Environmental Engineering

(Continued as Current Environmental Management)

Volume 6 , Issues 2, 2019

Volume 6, Issue 2 , 2019


Meet Our Editorial Board Member

Pp: 95-96
Author(s): Dawen Gao
DOI: 10.2174/221271780602190906144510

Review Article

Pollution Control in Meat Industry

Pp: 97-110
Author(s): Dal Singh Kharat*
DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666190204102731

Review Article

Artificial Light Pollution at Night: A Risk for Normal Circadian Rhythm and Physiological Functions in Humans

Pp: 111-125
Author(s): Pravin Kumar*, Mahendra S. Ashawat, Vinay Pandit and Dinesh K. Sharma
DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666190619120211

Research Article

Removal of Phenol from Organic System by Using Ionic Liquids

Pp: 126-133
Author(s): Ciji S. Mathews, Vikas K. Bhosale, Prashant S. Kulkarni and Sanjay P. Kamble*
DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666190408154507

Research Article

Development of Graphene Oxide-Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride Nanohybrid and Release behavior

Pp: 134-140
Author(s): Pradip M. Jawanjal, Pritam B. Patil, Jayesh Patil, Mrunal Waghulde and Jietndra B. Naik*
DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666190313153239

Research Article

Analysis of Heavy Metals in Soil and Sediments Along the Bank and Bed of River Benue in Taraba State Nigeria

Pp: 141-149
Author(s): Garvunga G. Yebpella*, Nwunuji H. Baba, Asabe M. Magomya and Raphael Odoh
DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666190611144646

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