An integrated landfill site search procedure is developed, able to consider all parameters that affect the site suitability. In this, the required decisions are made sequentially by Geographic Information Systems (GIS), based on tangible criteria represented by thematic maps, site-specific GIS analysis and site inspections, based on tangible criteria related to nuisance and other problems, and the Local Authorities (LAs), based on economic and intangible criteria related to sociopolitical acceptance issues. Existing GIS models are reviewed for use in the context of the above procedure and a simple one performing area elimination operations is shown to be the most appropriate. The resulting procedure allows, in all but exceptional cases, all decisions to be made without multicriteria analysis and combines ease of use, reduced subjectivity of results, and solutions that maximize the consensus of all parties involved. The above advantages were validated by a full scale application in a large study area.
Keywords: Final waste disposal, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), landfill siting with social acceptance, MSW disposal, MSW management, MSW treatment plant siting.