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Current Diabetes Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3998
ISSN (Online): 1875-6417

General Review Article

Hepatic Mediators of Lipid Metabolism and Ketogenesis: Focus on Fatty Liver and Diabetes

Author(s): Gustavo W. Fernandes* and Barbara M. L. C. Bocco

Volume 17, Issue 7, 2021

Published on: 03 November, 2020

Article ID: e110320187539 Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1573399816999201103141216

Price: $65


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disorder that it is caused by the absence of insulin secretion due to the inability of the pancreas to produce it (type 1 diabetes; T1DM), or due to defects of insulin signaling in the peripheral tissues, resulting in insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes; T2DM). Commonly, the occurrence of insulin resistance in T2DM patients reflects the high prevalence of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in these individuals. In fact, approximately 60% of T2DM patients are also diagnosed to have NAFLD, and this condition is strongly linked with insulin resistance and obesity. NAFLD is the hepatic manifestation of obesity and metabolic syndrome and includes a spectrum of pathological conditions, which range from simple steatosis (NAFL), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. NAFLD manifestation is followed by a series of hepatic lipid deregulations and the main abnormalities are increased triglyceride levels, increased hepatic production of VLDL and a reduction in VLDL catabolism. During the progression of NAFLD, the production of ketone bodies progressively reduces while hepatic glucose synthesis and output increases. In fact, most of the fat that enters the liver can be disposed of through ketogenesis, preventing the development of NAFLD and hyperglycemia.

Objective: This review will focus on the pathophysiological aspect of hepatic lipid metabolism deregulation, ketogenesis, and its relevance in the progression of NAFLD and T2DM.

Conclusion: A better understanding of the molecular mediators involved in lipid synthesis and ketogenesis can lead to new treatments for metabolic disorders in the liver, such as NAFLD.

Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, steatosis, NAFLD ketogenesis, lipid metabolism, steatohepatitis.

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    • Connection Establishedalphaeurekaselec_live_10_06_2022UserAccessCheck.php#24
      • 9. middleware::check_user_access:24
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      • 0: 316316526
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      • 10: 316316526
      • 11: 316316526
      • 12: 316316526
      • 13: 316316526
      • 14: 316316526
      • 15: 316316526
      • 14. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:784
      • 15. middleware::check_user_access:114
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:183
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Middleware/SubstituteBindings.php:50
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:183
    • SELECT at.type_name, p.copyright, p.publisher_location,m.month,y.year, a.publish_on, a.nid article_nid,a.article_id, a.pmid, a.issue_id, a.title, a.abstract,a.podcast,a.altmetric_score,a.altmetric_url,a.kudos_url, a.page_count, a.first_page, a.elocator, a.last_page, i.publication_date, a.file_name, a.file_path, a.doi, a.is_epub,a.epub_type, a.volume_id, a.is_uploaded, a.editor_choice, a.is_epub, j.image_file_name, a.article_no, a.art_type AS article_type, a.supplementary_filename,a.html_filename,a.prc_filename,a.epub_filename, a.graph_abs_lg_filename, a.graph_abs_sm_filename, a.oa_image_lg_filename, a.oa_image_sm_filename, j.journal_banner,a.animated_abstract,a.erratum_in,a.erratum_for, (CASE WHEN a.issue_id =0 THEN j.epub_price ELSE j.price END) AS sell_price, j.epub_price, j.nid AS jour_nid, j.title AS journal_title, j.issn, j.eissn,j.journal_id, j.subtitle AS jour_subtitle, v.volume_id,v.volume_name AS volume, v.year_id, i.title AS issue, i.month_id ,i.type issue_type, j.subtitle,j.formerly_title, ac.subtitle AS epub_title,a.crossmark_enabled,a.text_mining_urls,a.license_urls,a.created, a.receivedate, a.revisedate, a.acceptdate,js.js_title FROM article a LEFT JOIN article_section ac ON a.is_epub = ac.art_sec_id LEFT JOIN journal_section js ON a.js_id = js.js_id LEFT JOIN article_type at ON a.art_type = at.art_type_id LEFT JOIN issue i ON a.issue_id = i.issue_id LEFT JOIN month m ON = i.month_id LEFT JOIN volume v ON v.volume_id = a.volume_id INNER JOIN year y ON = v.year_id INNER JOIN journal j ON j.journal_id = a.journal_id INNER JOIN publisher p ON p.publisher_id = j.publisher_id WHERE a.article_id=111139
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:408
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2515
      • 13. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `journal` where `journal_id` = 10 limit 1
      • 0: 10
      • 14. app/Models/Journal.php:64
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2516
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select count(*) as aggregate from (select j.nid as journal_nid,j.flyer_link,j.title ,j.issn,j.eissn,j.keyword, j.journal_id as journal_id, j.subtitle, j.image_file_name,j.description,j.journal_insight_url,j.doi from `subject_journal` as `sj` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `sj`.`journal_id` where j.journal_status=1 and subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=10) and sj.journal_id!=10 group by `j`.`nid`) as `aggregate_table`
      • 16. app/Models/Subject.php:200
      • 17. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2517
      • 18. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select j.nid as journal_nid,j.flyer_link,j.title ,j.issn,j.eissn,j.keyword, j.journal_id as journal_id, j.subtitle, j.image_file_name,j.description,j.journal_insight_url,j.doi from `subject_journal` as `sj` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `sj`.`journal_id` where j.journal_status=1 and subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=10) and sj.journal_id!=10 group by `j`.`nid` order by `j`.`journal_id` asc limit 10 offset 0
      • 14. app/Models/Subject.php:200
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2517
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select count(*) as aggregate from (select v.nid as volume_id,e.nid,e.title,v.issn,v.eissn,v.isbn,v.eisbn,e.ebook_id, v.image_file_name,v.file_path,v.flyer_link,v.ebook_volume_id, v.volume_name,v.doi,v.year_id,v.introduction from `subject_ebook` as `se` inner join `ebook` as `e` on `e`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `ebook_volume` as `v` on `v`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `y`.`id` = `v`.`year_id` where subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=10) and v.ebook_status='1' and y.year > 2020 group by `v`.`nid`) as `aggregate_table`
      • 16. app/Models/Subject.php:220
      • 17. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2518
      • 18. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select v.nid as volume_id,e.nid,e.title,v.issn,v.eissn,v.isbn,v.eisbn,e.ebook_id, v.image_file_name,v.file_path,v.flyer_link,v.ebook_volume_id, v.volume_name,v.doi,v.year_id,v.introduction from `subject_ebook` as `se` inner join `ebook` as `e` on `e`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `ebook_volume` as `v` on `v`.`ebook_id` = `se`.`ebook_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `y`.`id` = `v`.`year_id` where subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject_journal WHERE journal_id=10) and v.ebook_status='1' and y.year > 2020 group by `v`.`nid` order by `v`.`ebook_volume_id` desc limit 10 offset 0
      • 14. app/Models/Subject.php:220
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2518
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `keywords` where `article_id` = '111139'
      • 0: 111139
      • 13. app/Models/Keywords.php:43
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2519
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select * from `article_citation` where `article_id` = '111139'
      • 0: 111139
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1570
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2520
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.last_name) as authors, CONCAT(au.last_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), ' ', au.first_name) AS authorsRIS, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.last_name, ' ', ifnull(au.initials,''), ' ', au.first_name) as authorsCiteAs, CONCAT_WS(' ',au.first_name, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.initials), ''), IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', au.last_name), '')) as authorsmodal , `au`.*, `af`.`ror_id`, `af`.`institution`, `af`.`department`, `af`.`country`, `af`.`city`, `af`.`address`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.institution,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.department,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.address,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.postal_code,','),''), ifnull(concat(,','),''), ifnull(concat(af.fax,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `author_affiliation`, (GROUP_CONCAT(TRIM(BOTH ', ' FROM CONCAT(ifnull(concat(af.web_view,','),''))) SEPARATOR '|')) as `web_view` from `author` as `au` left join `author_affiliation` as `af` on `au`.`author_id` = `af`.`author_id` where `au`.`article_id` = '111139' group by `au`.`author_id` order by `au`.`article_id` asc, `au`.`sequence` asc
      • 0: 111139
      • 13. app/Models/Author.php:86
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2533
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2535
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2035
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
    • select `subtitle` from `journal` where `continues_publication_journal` = 1
      • 0: 1
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:1960
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2062
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • Select j.subtitle, v.volume_id as volume_id,v.year_id,y.year as year,v.volume_name, v.total_no_of_issues, i.issue_id as issue_id,i.title as issue, i.publication_date as issue_pub_date from journal j join volume v on j.journal_id = v.journal_id join issue i on v.volume_id = i.volume_id join article a on a.issue_id = i.issue_id join year y on v.year_id = where j.journal_id = 10 and i.is_uploaded = 1 order by v.volume_name+0 desc, i.title+0 desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Issue.php:298
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2068
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 1 and a.journal_id = 10 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2070
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid,a.publish_on, a.pmid,a.article_id,a.doi,j.journal_id,j.subtitle,v.volume_name,a.volume_id as volume_id, a.issue_id,a.title,first_page, last_page, page_count,abstract,ifnull(is_abstract,"y"),asec.title as article_section,at.type_name as article_type_name, a.article_id as ArticleID ,is_epub,epub_price,epub_type,a.created, y.year from `article` as `a` left join `article_section` as `asec` on `asec`.`art_sec_id` = `a`.`is_epub` left join `article_type` as `at` on `at`.`art_type_id` = `a`.`art_type` left join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `a`.`journal_id` inner join `volume` as `v` on `a`.`volume_id` = `v`.`volume_id` inner join `year` as `y` on `v`.`year_id` = `y`.`id` where a.article_status != "W" and a.is_epub = 4 and a.journal_id = 10 and a.is_uploaded = 1 group by `a`.`article_id` order by `a`.`publish_on` desc
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:528
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2071
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select pdf, html, epub, prc from `article_metrics` where `article_id` = 111139 limit 1
      • 0: 111139
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:744
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2091
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from content_by_diseases where content_id = 111139 and content_type = 'article' order by status desc limit 1
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:751
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2094
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select a.nid article_nid,a.title article_title,j.title journal_title from content_by_diseases cd inner join article a on a.article_id=cd.content_id inner join journal j on j.journal_id=a.journal_id where = 283 and cd.sub_disease_id = 591 and content_id!=111139 and cd.content_type = 'article' order by rand() limit 20
      • 11. app/Models/Article.php:769
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2098
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `node_meta` where `nid` = 187539 limit 1
      • 0: 187539
      • 14. app/Models/Meta.php:30
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2101
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `bo`.* from `bundle_offer` as `bo` where `bo`.`bundle_status` = 'A' order by `bo`.`bundle_id` desc
      • 0: A
      • 13. app/Models/BundleOffer.php:57
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2108
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `tbl_ht_submission` as `h` where `h`.`subtitle` = 'CDR' and (h.proposal_closing_date = 0 OR TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(h.proposal_closing_date)) >= TO_DAYS(NOW())) order by `h`.`manuscript` asc
      • 0: CDR
      • 13. app/Models/Article.php:2025
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2112
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '111139' and content_type = 'a' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2186
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '10816' and content_type = 'i' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2207
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select count(*) as total_count, content_type_access_id as access_type from journal_access where content_type_id = '2928' and content_type = 'v' and ( (from_date <= CURDATE() and to_date >= CURDATE() and perpetual= 0) or (from_date is null and to_date is null and perpetual= 1) )
      • 11. app/Models/ContentAccess.php:647
      • 12. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2231
      • 13. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 14. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 2928) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 2928) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"volume" as access_level,"" as issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_journal_volume_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.volume_id = 2928)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2272
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 10816) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 10816) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"issue" as access_level,j.issue_id,"" as article_id from `user_access_issue_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.issue_id = 10816)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2297
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Trial Access" as access_base_text, CASE j.type WHEN 111 THEN true ELSE false END as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_trail` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 111139) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Subscribed" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "S" as content_download_type, null as restricted_user_access_key, null as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_corporate` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 111139) union (select j.user_access_id,j.volume_id,j.user_id,j.from_ip,j.to_ip,j.type,j.track,"Token Based Access" as access_base_text, false as terms_popup, "R" as content_download_type, j.uc_id as restricted_user_access_key, "v" as restricted_user_access_type, CASE j.track WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END as tracksAccessByVolume,"article" as access_level, j.issue_id, j.article_id from `user_access_article_token` as `j` inner join `user_access_info` as `info` on `j`.`user_access_id` = `info`.`user_access_id` where ((j.from_ip <= 316316526 and j.to_ip >=316316526 )) and ((j.from_date <= 1739958699 and j.to_date >= 1739958699 and j.perpetual= 0) or (j.from_date is null and j.to_date is null and j.perpetual= 1)) and j.article_id = 111139)
      • 13. app/Models/UserAccess/UserAccess.php:1266
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2329
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `first_page` < '7' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 10816 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) desc limit 1
      • 0: 7
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1819
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2470
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select * from `article` where `last_page` > '18' and is_uploaded = 1 and issue_id = 10816 order by cast(first_page as SIGNED) asc limit 1
      • 0: 18
      • 14. app/Models/Article.php:1831
      • 15. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2472
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `language_id` from `multilanguage` where `short_code` = 'en'
      • 0: en
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2497
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select `source_lang_label`, `target_lang_label` from `multilanguage_labels` where `target_lang_id` = 1
      • 0: 1
      • 13. app/Models/MultiLanguage.php:23
      • 14. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2498
      • 15. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 16. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
    • select `id` from `multilanguage_article` where `article_id` = 111139 limit 1
      • 0: 111139
      • 16. app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php:2506
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php:54
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:43
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:260
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:206
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 10 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1739958699 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1739958699 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 10
      • 3: 1739958699
      • 4: 1739958699
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select b.banner_link, b.banner_name, b.banner_script, b.banner_remarks, b.banner_file_name, b.banner_placement, bd.content_type, bd.content_id from `tbl_banner` as `b` inner join `tbl_banner_detail` as `bd` on `bd`.`banner_id` = `b`.`banner_id` inner join `users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `b`.`updated_by` inner join `journal` as `j` on `j`.`journal_id` = `bd`.`content_id` where `b`.`banner_journal` = 1 and `bd`.`content_type` = 'J' and `bd`.`content_id` = 10 and `b`.`banner_from_date` <= 1739958699 and `b`.`banner_to_date` >= 1739958699 and `b`.`banner_status` = 'A' order by `b`.`banner_id` desc
      • 0: 1
      • 1: J
      • 2: 10
      • 3: 1739958699
      • 4: 1739958699
      • 5: A
      • 13. app/Models/Banner.php:95
      • 14. app/Http/helpers.php:404
      • 17. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
    • select count(*) as aggregate from `uc_cart_products` where cart_id='acbb39b4ed197d4d0c7549e6767d2567'
      • 15. app/Models/Cart.php:271
      • 16. view::layouts._header:260
      • 18. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:124
      • 19. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:58
      • 20. vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
        array:1 [ "url" => "" ]
        array:2 [ "old" => [] "new" => [] ]
        text/html; charset=UTF-8
        0 of 0
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