ASEP Board Certified Exercise Physiologists’ education and laboratory skills are decades ahead of fitness instructors or personal trainers. This is why they are recognized as a healthcare professional and entrepreneur. While the idea of starting a healthcare business driven by the scientific knowledge that is identified with exercise physiology is relatively new in academia, it is becoming increasingly popular. Given the health issues from chronic diseases, it is an opportune time to start a business that evaluates and prescribes individualized exercise medicine to patients and clients of all ages. This means that students should take several business courses while in college. Starting a healthcare business requires a lot of work, persistence, and passion along with consulting with an attorney as well as an accountant. But, like life itself, the declaration of intent and personal permission to “just do it” are a sufficient beginning to setting the course to be successful. It all begins in the mind of the believer. Belief is power!
Keywords: Business plan, Entrepreneur, Equipment, Fixed lease, Insurance, Lessee, Occupancy costs, Operating expenses, Sole proprietorship, Tenant.