Despite compelling experimental evidence of the efficacy of InsP6 + inositol as an anticancer cocktail, there has been very limited enthusiasm for clinical studies of cancer prevention and/or therapy. Notwithstanding this lack of interest, results from the handful of clinical studies are extremely encouraging. Myo-inositol with or without InsP6 has shown to be effective in preventing precancerous lesions of lung cancer. Experimentally, InsP6 acts synergistically with standard chemotherapeutic drugs such as doxorubicin and tamoxifen; emerging clinical data support that. InsP6 + inositol available as dietary supplement has been reported to cause abrogation of breast, lung and colorectal cancers, with or without standard therapies; reduce chemotherapyinduced negative side-effects and provide a better quality of life.
Keywords: Alopecia, beta-glucan, breast cancer, chemotherapy, colon cancer, lung cancer, polychemotherapy, quality of life, radiotherapy.