People, Preferences & Prices: Sequencing the Economic Genome of the Consumer Mind

I Want to be your Spend Friend - Credit Cards, Co-Branding, and Stuff

Author(s): Eugene Galanter, Howard Moskowitz and Matthias Silcher

Pp: 204-212 (9)

DOI: 10.2174/978160805249311101010204

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


What is the learning that a card issuer can take away from this chapter? 1. Instead of blasting out offers to individuals who may or may not care, look for prospects who are somehow affiliated with the credit card issuer. 2. Homo economicus reigns supreme. It’s not about emotions. It’s about money and stuff. Significant reductions in what one expects to pay for a product or an experience. 3. There are segments, but for the most part the segments focus on different aspects of the offers. The segmentation does not reveal a group of individuals who respond to the emotion statements. Hopes that one can increase profitability by finding segments that are ‘emotion-sensitive’ and who can be swayed by emotion statements are probably not realistic. It is again a case of WiiFM (what’s in it for me), but with the segments there is a greater homogeneity in what appeals

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