Machine Intelligence for Internet of Medical Things: Applications and Future Trends

Internet of Medical Things & Machine Intelligence

Author(s): Inam Ullah Khan, Mariya Ouaissa*, Mariyam Ouaissa and Sarah El Himer

Pp: 1-10 (10)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815080445123020004

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Recently, the internet of medical things has been the widely utilized approach to interconnect various machines. While, IoT in combination with machine intelligence, has given new directions to the healthcare industry. Machine intelligence techniques can be used to promote healthcare solutions. The merger of IoT in medical things is a completely advanced approach. The intelligent behavior of machines provides accurate decisions, which greatly helps medical practitioners. For real-time analysis, artificial intelligence improves accuracy in different medicinal techniques. The use of telemedicine has increased so much due to COVID-19. Gathering unstructured data where the concept of electronic databases should be used in the health care industry for advancement. Big data and cyber security play an important role in IoMT. An intrusion detection system is used to identify cyber-attacks which helps to safeguard the entire network. This article provides a detailed overview of the internet of medical things using machine intelligence applications, future opportunities, and challenges. Also, some of the open research problems are highlighted, which gives insight into information about the internet of medical things. Different applications are discussed related to IoMT to improve communication standards. Apart from that, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles is increased, which are mostly utilized in rescuing and sending medical equipment from one place to another.

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