Polyandrous queen honey bee plays a crucial role in regulating colony
strength, sex ratio, colony productivity, social communication, pheromonal regulation
of colonial events and developmental controls. On the other hand, a honey bee colony
without a queen fails to perpetuate. Therefore for profitable beekeeping, apiarists try to
inoculate a colony with a queen with considerable fertility and strong pheromonal
profiling. The present chapter highlights the importance of requeening and its method .
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Cite this chapter as:
Lovleen Marwaha ;Requeen Process and Importance, The Polyandrous Queen Honey Bee: Biology and Apiculture (2022) 1: 274. https://doi.org/10.2174/9789815079128112010015
DOI https://doi.org/10.2174/9789815079128112010015 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |