The cancer originated from large bowel represents a widespread cancer along the world and a considerable percentage of new cases are diagnosed with distant disease. Recently, the detection of “clever” medicaments such as focused therapy was the outcome of an improved comprehension of the procedures that transform physiological tissues to tumor. The family of focused medication includes medicaments that specifically affect specific molecular routes implicated in the production of the tumor and its development. The new natural substances aim at inhibiting the procedure of angiogenesis which is fundamental for cancer development and distant metastasis. This process of angiogenesis and tumor development is inhibited by Bevacizumab a humanized recombinant antibody that prevents vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor binding. The usage of bevacizumab as primary therapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer was approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) on February 26, 2004. Incorporating the focused therapies in the management of metastatic colon cancer has led to considerable advance in efficiency results. In this review article, the effectiveness of bevacizumab given as primary therapy in patients with large bowel tumor and distant metastases is analysed.
Keywords: Avastin, bevacizumab, metastatic colorectal cancer.