Ayurveda and Hindu mythology both place great emphasis on the healing and spiritual virtues of rudraksha (Elaeocarpusganitrus). A wide range of medical conditions, such as anxiety, sleeplessness, depression, hypertension, palpitations, infertility, rheumatism, and asthma, have been linked to the pharmacological effects of physically wearing rudraksha. The objective of this review is to examine the scientific data found in the literature about their compositional and biochemical properties, in vivo and in vitro activities, and clinical analysis. It makes it abundantly evident that more research is required in various areas, including clinical, pharmacological, and physical investigations, in order to fully comprehend and share the medical benefits of rudraksha for the benefit of humankind. The information currently known about the pharmacology, physi-cal characteristics, chemical makeup, and toxicology of E. ganitrus is compiled in this study. Information was located using a literature search that made use of internet resources such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, PubMed, Sci Finder, Reaxys, and Cochrane.