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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

Review Article

Dynamic Data Placement Strategy with Network Security Issues in Distributed Cloud Environment for Medical Issues: An Overview

Author(s): Devasis Pradhan*, Majusha Behera and Mehdi Gheisari

Volume 17, Issue 6, 2024

Published on: 06 February, 2024

Article ID: e060224226747 Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/0126662558285372240109113226

Price: $65


The rapid integration of distributed cloud systems in the healthcare industry has profoundly impacted the management of valuable medical data. While this advancement has significantly improved data handling, protecting sensitive healthcare information in such a complex environment remains daunting. This comprehensive study explores the crucial intersection between dynamic data placement strategies and network security concerns in distributed cloud environments, particularly healthcare. After establishing the significance and context of this research, the survey delves into the growing need to safeguard medical data within the everevolving landscape of cloud-based healthcare systems. It lays out fundamental concepts, such as dynamic data placement and network security, highlighting their unique implications in the medical domain. Ultimately, this survey sheds light on the most effective approaches for balancing dynamic data placement and network security in the healthcare sector. This research delves into examining many tactics, evaluating their effectiveness in handling delicate medical information, and presenting tangible use cases. A key focus of this investigation is the fusion of data organization and network safety within the healthcare industry. It investigates the adaptability of dynamic data positioning techniques in fortifying network security and safeguarding against potential threats unique to the healthcare sector. Case studies of the successful implementation of these strategies in healthcare establishments are also included.

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