Background and Objectives: This study aimed to explore the treatment of thrombosis caused by COVID-19 with the drugs used in Unani medicine. Unani medicine has rich literature that mentions the pathogenesis, causes, and treatment of the diseases caused by obstruction of vessels. The study explores various drugs with actions that complement the resulting thrombolytic actions and details the rational treatment plan following the Unani medicine protocol.
Methodology: The literature regarding thrombosis was surveyed from indexed online journals. The concept of thrombosis in Unani literature was surveyed from the source texts of Unani medicine. The treatment strategy and drugs with anti-thrombotic actions were explored, and a rational graded management of thrombosis in COVID-19 patients was presented that forms the general treatment plan of Unani medicine in patients with thrombosis.
Results: The study observed that several Unani drugs from natural sources are mentioned for deobstruent action. De-obstruent action is a composite action that encompasses anti-inflammatory, disintegratory, blood detoxification, and other activities. There was a concordance with the concept of thrombolytic action, as mentioned in conventional medicine. When rationally used, these drugs form a graded treatment of thrombosis associated with COVID-19.
Conclusion: There is a potentially successful treatment plan with several de-obstruent drugs in Unani medicine that may be explored to treat thrombosis associated with COVID-19.