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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

Research Article

Securing Hybrid Architecture of Cloudlet Computing in 5G Networks Enabling IoT and Mobile Wireless Devices

Author(s): Tarek S. Sobh and Awad H. Khalil*

Volume 16, Issue 2, 2023

Published on: 03 September, 2022

Article ID: e130522204718 Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/2666255815666220513100257

Price: $65


Aims: This research aims to secure and support mobile devices and IoTs enabled in WLAN and 5G Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructures.

Background: Currently, wireless network access gains increasing potential in today's networks. At the same time, such ongoing wireless network access also raises the risk of network attacks. The 5G technology is expected to empower people's inter-communications by integrating wireless networking technologies in all networks. Additionally, the emerging 5G technologies put forward many new requirements for RF characteristics and techniques regarding bandwidth and power issues, in addition to supporting high connectivity capacity for the emerging IP-based IoT applications.

Objective: The objective is to provide a hybrid architecture of the proposed framework for a 5G network with cloudlet computing. The purpose that we are focusing on it is to support and monitor wireless networks under attack.

Methods: The solution is done through a hybrid architecture. This architecture integrates the cloudlet and Wi-Fi Access Points (AP) to provide an integrated Wi-Fi-enabled cloudlet. On the other hand, we have specified a solution for detecting unauthorized APs by using authentication and authorization techniques for securing communications among endpoint devices such as IoT devices or mobile devices, cloudlet, and the main cloud. A framework of this architecture has been developed to face the issue of securing IoT devices and mobile wireless devices.

Results: The traffic sniffing and traffic filtering of the endpoints are done. Therefore, the required actions that define the organization's policy are applied through the permitted access list. In addition to a wireless network location, the management components use more than one authorized attribute value to generate the authorized list, such as SSID, MAC, BSSID …etc. Finally, Traffic analysis provides the user to get reports, statistics, and analysis charts to secure endpoints activities.

Conclusion: We are focusing on one of the critical security issues of wireless networks. Namely, the issue of unauthorized access becomes more critical due to getting access to a network without subscriber permission. Moreover, the proposed solution allows managing access control permissions to allow or block access to resources for the user of a mobile device.

Keywords: IoT, 5G, Cloudlet, Wireless Mobile Networks, Network Security, Cybersecurity

Graphical Abstract

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