IoT becomes more complicated due to its large size. The existing techniques of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are not useful directly to the IoT; that is why using energyefficient schemes for the IoT is a challenging issue. Due to battery-constrained IoT devices, energy efficiency is of great importance. This paper gives an overview and broad survey on IoT, WSN in IoT, challenges in IoT and WSN, energy-conserving issues and solutions and different Node Deployment patterns. This paper addresses energy competence issues for green IoT by proposing an energy-efficient heuristic for a regular and particular deployment scheme. QCMCSC heuristic is implemented for Strip Based Deployment Pattern and analyzed in terms of Energy Efficiency and Life Time of a sensor on Energy Latency Density Design Space, a topology management application that is power efficient. QC-MCSC for Strip-based deployment patterns and random deployment patterns are compared.
Keywords: IoT, WSN, coverage, connectivity, sensing radius, connectivity radius.
Graphical Abstract
[http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s16040467] [PMID: 27043578]
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