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Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications


ISSN (Print): 2666-2558
ISSN (Online): 2666-2566

Review Article

Architecture, Ability, and Adaptability of Recursive Internetworking Architecture - A Review

Author(s): Bhushana Samyuel Neelam* and Benjamin A. Shimray

Volume 15, Issue 7, 2022

Published on: 28 June, 2021

Article ID: e190522194095 Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2666255814666210615144943

Price: $65


The ever-increasing dependency of the utilities on networking brought several cyber vulnerabilities and burdened them with dynamic networking demands like QoS, multihoming, and mobility. As the existing network was designed without security in context, it poses several limitations in mitigating the unwanted cyber threats and struggling to provide an integrated solution for the novel networking demands. These limitations resulted in the design and deployment of various add-on protocols that made the existing network architecture a patchy and complex network. The proposed work introduces one of the future internet architectures, which seem to provide abilities to mitigate the above limitations. Recursive internetworking architecture (RINA) is one of the future internets and appears to be a reliable solution with its promising design features. RINA extended inter-process communication to distributed inter-process communication and combined it with recursion. RINA offered unique inbuilt security and the ability to meet novel networking demands with its design. It has also provided integration methods to make use of the existing network infrastructure. The present work reviews the unique architecture, abilities, and adaptability of RINA based on various research works of RINA. The contribution of this article is to expose the potential of RINA in achieving efficient networking solutions among academia and industry.

Keywords: Future internets, network architecture, programmable networks, Interprocess communication, cyber resiliency, recursive internetworking architecture (RINA).

Graphical Abstract

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