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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Review Article

Image Integration Procedures in Multisensory Medical Images: A Comprehensive Survey of the State-of-the-art Paradigms

Author(s): Ayush Dogra*, Chirag Kamal Ahuja and Sanjeev Kumar

Volume 18, Issue 5, 2022

Published on: 08 March, 2021

Article ID: e150322192108 Pages: 20

DOI: 10.2174/1573405617666210308112825

Price: $65


Background: Obtaining the medical history from a patient is a tedious task for doctors as it depends on a lot of factors which are difficult to keep track from a patient’s perspective. Doctors have to rely upon technological tools to make a swift and accurate judgment about the patient’s health.

Introduction: Out of many such tools, there are two special imaging modalities known as X-ray - Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) which are of significant importance in the medical world assisting the diagnosis process.

Methods: The advancement in signal processing theory and analysis has led to the design and implementation of a large number of image processing and fusion algorithms. Each of these methods has evolved in the terms of their computational efficiency and visual results over the years.

Results: Various researches have revealed their properties in terms of their efficiency and outreach and it has been concluded that image fusion can be a very suitable process that can help to compensate for the drawbacks.

Conclusion: In this manuscript, recent state-of-the-art techniques have been used to fuse these image modalities and established its need and importance in a more intuitive way with the help of a wide range of assessment parameters.

Keywords: Multi-modal imaging, image fusion, CT, MRI, transform domain, spatial domain.

Graphical Abstract

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