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Recent Patents on Nanotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1872-2105
ISSN (Online): 2212-4020

Research Article

Impact of Nanotechnology Patents on Green Development of China's Building Industry

Author(s): Xialing Sun, Rui Zhang*, Xue Chen, Pengpeng Li and Jin Guo

Volume 14, Issue 2, 2020

Page: [141 - 152] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1872210513666191205123449

Price: $65


Background: The sustainable development of the building industry has drawn increasing attention around the world. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology play an important role in the processes of energy saving and reducing consumption in the building industry. Nanotechnology patents provide key technological support for the green development of the building industry. Based on patent data in China, this paper quantitatively analyzed the application of nanotechnology patents in the building industry and the time trend, regional differences, and evolution of China's nano-patent applications in the building field.

Methods: In this study, the environmental total factor productivity of the building industry considering carbon constraints was determined and then used as the dependent variable to measure the green development of the building industry. On this basis, a panel data regression model was constructed to determine the impact of nano-patents on the green development of the building industry.

Results: Nanotechnology patents in the building industry can significantly improve total factor productivity. From the perspective of patent composition, technology-based patents that focus on substantial innovation can significantly promote the green development of the building industry, whereas strategic patents show a significant inhibitory effect. Regionally, the western region of China has the advantage of being less developed and thus more efficient than the central and eastern regions in the application of new nano-products. Finally, the research also showed a significant lag in the application of China's nanotechnology patents and low implementation efficiency.

Conclusion: Nano patents can promote green development in the building industry, but there is room for improvement in the speed with which laboratory inventions are transformed into building engineering applications.

Keywords: Nanomaterials, nanotechnology, patent, building, energy efficiency, green development, environment.

Graphical Abstract

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