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Current Chinese Science

Volume 4 , Issues 6, 2024

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About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to nanotechnology.

The Nanotechnology section of the journal Current Chinese Science publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews, case reports and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to nanotechnology. 

This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of a multidisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following nanotechnology areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:

• Nanobiotechnology
• Nanoelectronics and molecular electronics
• Nanofluidics
• Nanomagnetics
• Nanomedicine
• Nano-optics
• Nano-optoelectronics
• Nano-photonics
• Nanoscale modeling and simulations
• Nanoscale physics, electrical transport, quantum physics
• Nanosensors
• Nanotoxicology
• Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy
• Synthesis, characterization and manipulation of nanomaterials
• Others

Section Editor-in-Chief(s) nanotec_Zaizhu-Lou-sh_001 Lou Zaizhu Jinan University Guangzhou China

Dr. Zaizhu Lou is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Nanophotonic Material Lab at Jinan University, China. He completed his PhD from Sate Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University in 2014. He was a Fellow Researcher at Osaka University, Japan from 2015-2017. He has received an "Outstanding Youth Fund of Guangdong Province" in 2018. His research interests include Nanophotonic, Crystal Materials. He has more than 20 publications and has received many other awards too.

娄在祝,男,暨南大学纳米光子学研究院教授,博士生导师,纳米材料光子学实验室主任 。曾获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助。2018年获广东省杰出青年基金、广东省青年珠江 学者。以第一/通讯作者在PNAS,ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater., JPCL, Appl. Catal.B-Environ. Nanoscale Horizon等国际知名学术期刊发表论文24篇。主持国家 自然科学基金-面上、青年、广东省杰出青年基金、青年珠江学者等科研项目。研究课题为 金属及非金属表面等离子体共振效应及其在太阳能转化中的利用,人工光合作用,纳米材 料光子学等。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Section Editor Nanoparticles nano_ebm_Humayun-sh_001 Humayun Muhammad Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) Wuhan China

Dr. Muhammad Humayun obtained his PhD degree in Chemistry & Materials Science from Heilongjiang University China in 2017. He received the Distinguished International PhD Scholar award from the Chinese Government in 2016. In addition, he received an outstanding graduate award from Heilongjiang University China in 2017. From Aug 2017-Dec 2020, he worked as a Postdoc in Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) China. Currently, he is working as a Distinguished Research Fellow in the same Laboratory. He is the author, co-author of 60 peer-reviewed SCI publications with citations over 2100 (h-index 24). His current research interests include the design of semiconductor photocatalysts for energy conversion and environmental remediation. Orcid Scopus
Editorial Board Members nano_maiti-sk-as_001 Maiti S.K. Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata India

Dr. Santanu K. Maiti is currently an Associate Professor of Physics at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. He obtained his phD degree from Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Division of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), India in 2008. His research interests mainly focus on Quantum Transport in Meso-scale and Nano-scale Systems. He has also been working as Associate Editor, Section Editor as well as Editorial Board Member in several International Journals over the past many years. He has also published many Reviews, co-edited a Book in Springer Series and contributed a chapter to a Book. He has published several papers in peer-reviewed International Journals, out of which more than sixty five papers he published independently and did almost over hundred presentations in National and International Conferences. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_wang-g-as_001 Wang G. Jilin University Changchun China

Dr. Guibin Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2000 in polymer chemistry and physics from Jilin University. In 2001, he became a full professor. Wang’s research interests are synthesis, modification and processing of high- performance polymers. He has published more than 170 SCI papers. There have been 64 China invention patents authorized. He has won a National Technical Invention Award in second place and 4 first prizes of other provincial and ministerial science and technology awards and had won 17 other provincial and municipal honors. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_ischenko-aa-as_001 Ischenko A.A. RTU-MIREA-Russian Technological University Moscow Russia

Dr. Anatoly A. Ischenko is a Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the RTU-MIREA-Russian Technological University, M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russian Federation. Ultrafast processes in free molecules and condensed matter and instrumental methods of analysis represent his main area of research. Anatoly Ischenko received his Ph.D in 1974 and Dr. Sci. degree in 1990 from the Moscow Lomonosov State University and worked there as a researcher and professor of physical chemistry until 1998. In 1998 he was invited to Moscow Lomonosov University of Fine Chemical Technology for a position of the Head of Department of Analytical Chemistry. He spent one year (1976-1977) as scholar and in 1979 as a research associate at the electron diffraction laboratory at Oslo University, Norway and has had a long period of collaboration with electron diffraction group, since 1992 at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, USA as an invited professor. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_hamoudah-mai-as_001 Ibrahim M.A. King Saud University Riyadh Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohamed Abbas Ibrahim is a professor of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt. Currently, he is a professor of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, KSA. He earned a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Regensburg, Germany, in collaboration with Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. His research interests include biomaterials as drug delivery systems, pelletization, nanotechnology and tablet technology. He supervised more than 10 master and Ph.D. students in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ibrahim has a good experience in the tablet and pelletization technology, biomaterials, nanotechnology and polymeric drug delivery systems. He published more than 90 research and review articles in these areas. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_rebey-a-as_001 Rebey A. University of Monastir Monastir Tunisia

Dr. Ahmed Rebey is a Full Professor in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia. Currently, He is a cooperating Professor in Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. He guided many candidates in their project of Master and Ph. Degree. His research interest focuses on epitaxy and characterization of semiconductors and nanostructure materials. He has published about 100 papers in internationally renowned academic journals. He has authored 2 chapter books in the research field. He has participated in national and international conferences. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_hasanzadeh-m-as_001 Hasanzadeh M. Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Tabriz Iran

Dr. Mohammad Hasanzadeh is an assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS) at Drug Applied Research Center. He studied Electrochemistry at K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Tehran, Iran) and gained his M.S.c in 2008. In 2010, he founded Drug Applied Research Center and worked at that center as the PhD candidate for 4 years. Dr. Hasanzadeh has also received the International Razi Award for excellence in research in basic sciences in 2010 and 2020. He has published more than 250 original research papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has been the PI of more than 10 national research projects funded by the Ministry of Health of Iran, Recently, he has focused on the immunosensing methods based on advanced nanomaterials towards early stage diagnosis of cancer and infectious disease. Also, he has some of important approach on the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nano-devices used in health such as: a) IFIA (The International Federal of Inventors Associations) CUP for the best invention of the 3 rd International Olympiad of inventors, Originators and innovators, 2012; b) Gold Medal Cup in 2 th , 3 rd , and 4 th International Invention Festival in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively; c) Distinguished in Nanotechnology, Business Plan Group, 2011 (7 th National Sheikh Bahaei Technology Festival. Scopus RsearcherId
tcc_teng-wu-sh_001 Cao Zexing Department of Chemistry Xiamen University Fujian China

Dr. Zexing Cao received his Ph.D. from Sichuan University under the supervision of Guosen Yan in 1993. From 1999 to 2000, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. M.B. Hall at Texas A&M University. From 2000 to 2001, he spent an AvH Fellow year with Prof. S.D. Peyerimhoff at Bonn University. In 2001, he became a full Professor at Xiamen University. His research interests cover excited state and photochemistry, theoretical catalysis, modeling enzymatic catalysis, and computational materials. RsearcherId
tcc_Yiqin-gao-sh_001 Gao Yiqin College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering Peking University Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId tcc_Jiali-gao-sh_001 Gao Jiali Department of Chemistry Kolthoff and Smith Hall University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN USA Scopus RsearcherId tcc_Shuhua-sh_001 Li Shuhua School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Nanjing University Nanjing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId Qin-sh_001 Yuancheng Qin Key Lab Jiangxi Prov Persistent Pollutants Control Nanchang Hangkong University Nanchang China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId tcc_Xiaosong-sh_001 Li Xiaosong Department of Chemistry University of Washington Seattle, WA USA Scopus RsearcherId tcc_Si-Dian-sh_001 Li Si-Dian Shanxi University Taiyuan China

Professor Si-Dian Li has carried out joint research at the University of Sussex in the UK (1990-1992) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Brown University in the US (2006-2007). His fields of interests include experimental and theoretical research in structural chemistry, materials science, and computational chemistry, with over 130 papers published in various international journals. Scopus RsearcherId
tcc_Guohui-sh_001 Li Guohui Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Dalian China

Dr. Guohui Li completed his masters in theoretical physics from the Liaoning Normal University, China in 1197 and received his PhD degree from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2000. He has been working as an Associate Director at the State Key Lab of Molecular Reaction since 2016 and a Principal Investigator at SKLMRD, DICP, CAS Dynamics (SKLMRD) since 2009. Dr. Li's research interests include methodology development for molecular modeling and simulations, mechanism studies of functions of biomolecules, molecular discovery and design. He has published over 100 papers and serves as an editorial board member for various reputed international journals. Scopus RsearcherId
tcc_Jian-li-sh_001 Liu Jian Peking University Beijing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId nano_panda-d-as_001 Panda D. National Institute of Science and Technology (Autonomous) Berhampur India

Dr. Debashis Panda completed his PhD from IIT Kharagpur. After that he joined as a post doctoral fellow at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and University of Utah, USA. Prior to joining the National Institute of Science and Technology, India, Dr. Panda also served as a post doctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore, Singapore. Dr. Panda awarded Indian academies SRF 2016, and INSA visiting scientists in 2017. His present research interest includes neuromorphic computing devices. Dr. Panda serves as a visiting scientist at NCTU, Taiwan, NPL New Delhi and IIT Kharagpur.
nano_sharma-sc-as_001 Sharma S.C. University of Texas at Arlington Arlington TX USA

Currently a Full Professor in the Department of Physics at The University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, Professor Suresh C Sharma graduated with PhD degree in Solid State Physics from Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. Professor Sharma is known as an innovative experimental condensed matter physicist, who has made very significant contributions to several different areas of physics, surface plasmons resonance spectroscopy and sensor development, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, thin-films, carbon-based materials, applications of positron annihilation spectroscopy for the characterization of defects in materials, discovery of Positronium localization in spontaneous density fluctuations in high-density gases, polymer-dispersed liquid-crystals, and high-pressure physics. Professor Sharma has published in highly-rated journals, has obtained several patents, and presented invited lectures at international and national conferences. He has also organized several international and national conferences. Professor Sharma has served as Director of the Center for Nanostructured Materials and Director of the Center for Positron Studies.
nano_cheng-x-as_001 Cheng X. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Dr. Cheng’s research focuses on the upconversion nanoparticles and nano rare earth additives for materials surface and alloying behavior modification. He and his co-workers have published more than 220 papers, which have been cited for thousands of times. He has also acquired more than 70 patents, most of which have been applied in the industry.
nano_prasad-vr-as_001 Prasad V.R. Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore India

Prof. V. Ramachandra Prasad is currently working as a Professor in the Mathematics Department, School Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He has 25 years of teaching experience and has authored more than 100 publications in the area of fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Over the past decade he has worked in the areas of multi-physical fluid dynamics and numerical simulation. His work has investigated complex phenomena of interest in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, chemical engineering, and material processing. He has made fundamental contributions in magnetic fluid dynamics, thermal radiation heat transfer, fluid modeling, micro polar non-Newtonian hydrodynamics, magnetic induction flows, viscoelastic liquid flows, porous media, and boundary flows. He has authored over 150 journal articles in these areas and also numerous conference presentations. He has published six books on radiation heat transfer, thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo effects on boundary layer flows, and Viscoelastic flows. More recent work has involved non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, fluid particle suspensions, and lid driven cavities. The numerical methods he has used are the finite difference method, finite element method, network simulation methods, and finite volume codes. He has worked in collaboration with US, Indian, Spanish, British, and Taiwanese researchers. He is presently working as a reviewer for over 100 national and international journals. His h-index is 25 and i-10 index is 50.
nano_solanki-ps-as_001 Solanki P.S. Saurashtra University Rajkot India

Dr. Piyush S. Solanki is Assistant Professor in Physics working at Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. He is working on functional oxide materials such as mixed valent manganites, multiferroics, diluted magnetic semiconductors, high temperature superconductors and metal oxides. He has an expertise to work on polycrystalline bulk, nanostructures, thin films, devices, heterostructures, bilayers, multilayers and composites (powders, core–shell and thin films) consist of various functional oxides. He has capability to work with various synthesis methods and fabrication techniques such as solid state reaction route, sol–gel method, co–precipitation, chemical solution deposition, pulsed laser deposition and RF/DC sputtering. He has proficiency to deal with the research on some special techniques such as swift heavy ion irradiation, low energy ion implantation and temperature–magnetic field dependent neutron diffraction. He has also an expertise to deal with materials research including gas sensors, humidity sensors, solar cells, high energy radiation and bio–physics based nanomaterials and devices. He has published 91 international research articles in reputed journals. He has reviewed more than 130 articles for different internationally reputed journals.
nano_tahir-m-as_001 Tahir M. Xian Jiaotong University Xi’an China

Dr. Muhammad Tahir obtained his PhD in Materials Science from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2015 and is now working as an assistant professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. His research interests include the design and synthesis of nano-structure materials and their applications in electro-catalysis, photocatalysis and Super-capacitor. He has published more than 60 papers as an author/co-author in peer reviewed international SCI journals with various publishers including world premium scientific journals like, JACS, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Energy, Nano Research, Applied Catalysis B, JMCA, ACS energy Letters, etc. He has also provided services as a reviewer for International journals such as ACS, RSC, Willey and Springer etc. Dr. Tahir has also won several International awards such as Dr. Abdus Slam award in the field of Physics and excellent student award from Beijing Institute of Technology during his PhD.
nano_moshkin-mp-as_001 Moshkin M.P. Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk Russia

Dr. Mikhail Moshkin is a head of the Department of Genetic Resources of Laboratory Animals, Institute of Cytology & Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia. His research interests encompass a broad set of interdisciplinary problems in the fields of physiology, reproductive biology, immunity, ecology, and so on. He is one of the leading experts in Russia in mouse and rodent biology; and since 2007 he has been appointed to supervise the construction and scientific development of the first in Russia Centre of Genetic Resources of Laboratory Animals (CGR). CGR is now fully functional facility providing a top-notch platform for interdisciplinary biomedical and pharmaceutical research on animal models. CGR Resources aims to close the gap between basic biological research and developing biomedical industry in Russian Federation, which has been listed as one of the prominent infrastructure projects developed in Russian Federation.
nano_nayak-pk-as-as_001 Nayak P.K. Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai India

Pramoda Kumar Nayak is currently working as Adjunct Professor at Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. He received his doctoral degree in physics from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. After completion of his Ph.D, he worked as a post doctoral researcher and visiting scientist in several institutions around the globe including Institute for Plasma Research, India, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea. His research interest is to explore intriguing physics in van der Waals materials and their heterostructures. He has published more than fifty international journals, five book chapters, one book and three edited volumes so far in his research carrier.
nano_sun-z-as_001 Sun Z. Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Zhenhua Sun completed his doctorate in applied physics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2012. Then he worked as a postdoctoral scientist in the Laboratory of Physics and Material studies (LPEM) in Paris, which is a joint laboratory of ESPCI, CNRS and UPMC in France. In 2015, he joined the College of Optoelectronic Engineering in Shenzhen University as an assistant professor. Since 2016, he is an associate professor in the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering in Shenzhen University.
nano_tian-z-as_001 Tian Z. Pingdingshan University Pingdingshan China

Zhengshan Tian earned his B.S. in Chemistry from Henan Normal University in 1997, his M.S. in Inorganic Chemistry from Zhengzhou University in 2006 and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Southeast University in 2015. From 2018, he served as an associate professor of School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering at Pingdingshan University. He has authored or co-authored 30 peer-reviewed articles on basic and applied research topics, with a primary focus on materials chemistry, and is co-inventor in 10 patents. In 2016, he won the excellent doctoral dissertation award of jiangsu province.
nanotec_Peng-sh_001 Peng H.S. Minzu University of China Beijing China

Dr Hongshang Peng is presently working as a Professor in the School of Science, Minzu University of China, Beijing. In the year 2007, he obtained his PhD in Optics from Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information, Ministry of Education, Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China. His research interests include (a) Luminescent nanosensors for 1O2, O2, pH, temperature, etc. (b) Phototherapy based on nanoparticles, and (c) Perovskite QDs.
nanotec_y-Zhang-sh_001 Zhang Y. University of Jinan Jinan China

Prof. Yuhai Zhang is currently the PI of the Lab for Advanced Luminescent Materials at the University of Jinan, Shandong, China. He received his Ph.D in chemistry from National University of Singapore in 2015, and then spent two years for his postdoc study in KAUST, Saudi Arabia. He. His research interest focuses on the emerging luminescent materials, including quantum dots, perovskite single crystals, and lanthanide-doped materials. As the first author or co-author, he has published more than 20 SCI-accepted papers in internationally renowned academic journals.
nanotec_Z-Zheng-sh_001 Zheng Z. Shandong University Jinan China

Zhaoke Zheng is a Full Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2012 at Shandong University, and joined Osaka University as JSPS Fellow in 2015. He has published over 40 SCI- indexed papers on J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Nano Energy et al., including 6 ESI Highly Cited Papers. These papers received 2559 SCI citations. A number of awards and fellowships have been awarded to him, such as Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellowships of Germany, JSPS Researcher of Japan, the Young Scholar of Distinction from the Ministry of Education, the Second-class Award of Science and Technology from Shandong Province and the Second-class Award of the Excellent Achievement from the Ministry of Education, etc. Hi research interest focuses on Crystal Materials.
nanotec_M-Zhu-sh_001 Zhu M. Jinan University Guangzhou China

Prof. Mingshan Zhu is currently a Full Professor at Jinan University, China. He graduated with doctorate degree from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (ICCAS). His research interest is focused on the synthesis of functional nanomaterials for various photocatalytic and electrocatalytic applications, such as water splitting, removing environmental pollutants, photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules (methanol, ethanol...), photoelectrochemical sensor and so on. Prof. Zhu has published 105 papers in peer-reviewed journals including 75 papers as first or corresponding author.
nanotec_S.Ma-sh_001 Ma S. Beijing Normal University Beijing China

She got Bachelor's degree in Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology (Now Qingdao University of Science and Technology) in 1987-1991, Master's degree in Chemical engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology in 1993- 1996, PhD degree from Beijing normal university in 2000-2003. Since 1996, she has been working in Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University. In 2012-2014, worked as a visiting professor in Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University. She has published many top papers such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Mater.; Adv. Funct. Mater.; ACS Appl. Mater. Interface; Chem. Commun.; J. Mater. Chem. A; J. Mater. Chem. C; Inorg. Chem. Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_Y-Cheng-sh_001 Cheng Y. Shandong Normal University Jinan China

Dr. Cheng Yang is presently serving as a School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, China. He completed his M.S. in Physics from College of Physics and Electronics,Shandong Normal University(SDNU), China in 2007. He further obtained PhD from SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea in 2011. His research interest includes Optical and electrical properties of the nano-scale low-dimensional materials, including carbon nanotubes(CNTs), graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenides, Fabrication and application of the DNA-FET sensors, He has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals.
nanotec_x-Cheng-sh_001 Cheng X. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Hefei China

Xudong Cheng is Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). His research interests include thermal safety protection material, aerogel preparation and application in safety area and fire dynamics in long-narrow enclosure space. He is the Editorial Board Member of Fire Technology, Member of CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Member of the International Association for Fire Safety Science, etc. He has published 95 SCI indexed journal papers, and the total number of SCI citation is over 1200.
nanotec_t-Zhao-sh_001 Zhao Tingkai School of Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an China

Dr. ZHAO obtained his PhD degree from Materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 2005 and is currently working as a full professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China. As the vice-director of Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory for Graphene New Carbon Materials & Applications, his researcher topics are: the synthesis of graphene, carbon nanotubes (single-wall, multi-wall CNTs and amorphous CNTs), flexible graphite, 2D nanomaterials, the growth mechanism, and applications of carbon nanomaterials in composites, energy conversion (solar cell, supercapacitor and Li-ion batteries), smart device and biosensors. So far, he has published 2 English books, 10 patents more than 100 academic papers at international journals including Nanoscale, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Carbon, Scientific Reports and Applied Physics Letters et al., and also served as these Journals' reviewers. He was awarded the first prize of the science and technology of Shaanxi province (2013). Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_j-Pan-sh_001 Pan J. Tiangong University Tianjin China

Dr. Jie Pan received his BS degree from Northwest University in china, MS degree from Tianjin University in china and PhD degree from National University of Singapore. He is currently an associate professor in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Tiangong University in China. His research mainly focuses on the design and fabrication of polymeric particles and exploration of their applications in drug delivery. At present, he has published 24 articles in AFM, biomaterials, and so on.
nanotec_Dang-sh_001 Dang Z.-M. Tsinghua University Beijing China

Dr. Zhi-Min Dang is presently serving as a Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He completed his MS from Xian Modern Chemistry Institute, China in 1997. He further obtained PhD Xian Jiaotong University in Electrical Engineering, China in2001. He has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals.
nanotec_chau_r-Zhang-sh_001 Zhang R. Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing China

Dr. Runduo Zhang is presently serving as a Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China. He obtained PhD from Dalian University of Technology Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH), South Korea in 2001. His research interest includes Environmental Catalysis and Surface Science focusing on synthesis and application of nanoscaled perovskites and mesoporous materials; Catalytic eliminate various gaseous pollutants (such as HCN, NO x, CO, VOCs, SO 2 , soot, carbonyl sulfide etc.); Material characterization and Mechanism study based on techniques of S/TEM, XRD, BET, TPD/R/O, TGA, XPS, in situ-DRIFT and FTIR. He has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals.
nanotec_chau_yfc_001 Chau Y-F.C. Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam

Yuan-Fong Chou Chau received his PhD degree from Department of Electrophysics, Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 2004. From 2012, he is a professor at Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. In 2015, he joined the Centre for Advanced Material and Energy Sciences (CAMES), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei, where he was appointed as an associated professor in 2015 and he was promoted to a professor position in 2018. His dominant research is focusing on physics related material and energy sciences, including novel nanofabrications for advanced nanophotonic and optoelectronic devices, and in characteristics and applications of localized and propagating plasmons at nanometal structure. During his academic career, he has published more than 110 Scopus index papers and 18 patents.
nanotec_ye_q_001 Ye Q. Beijing University of Technology Beijing China

Dr. Qing Ye is presently serving as a Professor in Department of Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China. She completed her Master from Harbin Normal University, China. She further obtained PhD from Tsinghua University, China in 2005. She has been doing research in various fields in catalysis and materials for 25 years with more than 100 publications and 10 patents. Research projects in our group involve most aspects of materials, catalysis, such as preparation, characterization, activation, deactivation and regeneration of novel and commercially applicable catalysts with an emphasis on understanding of catalysts and catalytic reactions, catalytic materials, and processes, especially those that have potential practical applications.
nanotec_xu_z_001 Xu Z. Tianjin University Tianjin China

Dr. Zongwei Xu is Associate Professor (Tenure track) from College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, China. His principle research interests include Defect engineering in Wide Band Gap semiconductor, Micro/nanofabrication using Focused ion Beam. As Principal Investigator (PI), Four National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects, one Newton Fund project, and three Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (SGC) projects have been granted. He served as the Associate Editor of Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, and the Editorial Board Member of five other International Journals. He has published more than 50 SCI Journal papers and 5 Book Chapters.
nanotec_mohamed_gg_001 Mohamed G.G. Cairo University Giza Egypt

Dr. Gehad Genidy Mohamed obtained Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc. from Cairo University in 1996, 1993 and 1990 respectively. He is working as a Professor at Cairo University since 2007. He was the Associate Editor of J. of Advanced Research, Cairo University (2008 to 2012) and the Deputy Director of Chemistry laboratory, Chemical Environmental Hazard Mitigation Center (CEHM) at Cairo University, from September 2011 till May 2013. He has published more than 100 articles, several book chapters, and some patents in various well-reputed journals.
nanotec_murali_g_001 Murali G. Korea National University of Transportation Chungju South Korea

Dr. G. Murali is presently serving as an Associate Research Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Department of IT Convergence (BK21 PLUS), Chemical Industry Institute, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, Republic of Korea. He completed his M.Sc. from Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), Tirupati, India. He further obtained PhD from Sri Venkateswara University(SVU), Tirupati, India in 2014. His research interest includes characterization and multiple applications of nanoscale materials. The major fields of science that are relevant to my research work are nanotechnology, up/down conversion photonic materials and polarization emission property, semiconductor nanostructures, diluted magnetic semiconductors, sensors, photocatalysis, and liquid crystals. He has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals.
nano_Z-Zhang-as_001 Zhang Z. Dalian Minzu University Dalian China

Dr. Zhenyi Zhang is a Professor and Vice Dean at the School of Physics and Materials Engineering, Dalian Minzu University. He is also a Vice Director at the Key Laboratory of Photosensitive Materials and Devices, Liaoning Province. e obtained his PHD degree from the School of Physics, Northeast Normal University with major in Materials Physics and Chemistry. He has been honored with Revitalization Talents of Liaoning Province in 2018. With major research interest in Materials chemistry and Nanotechnology, he has published over 70 articles in these fields.
nano_P-Zhang-as_001 Zhang P. Shanghai University Shanghai China

Dr Peng Zhang received his PhD in Applied Chemistry from the Department of Engineering, Osaka University. He also obtained M.Phil in Physical Chemistry from the College of Life and Environment Sciences, Shanghai Normal University and B.Sc. in Education of Chemistry, Biological and Chemistry Department, Changzhi University. Currently, he is an Associate professor at the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University. He has published more than 20 articles in well-reputed journals. His research interests include a) Fabrication and design of hierarchical porous nanomaterials for environment and energy applications, such as photocatalytic treatment of pollutants, hydrogen generation, b) Functionalization of a microfluidic chip for environmental remediation & enzymatic reaction, c) Visible light-activated photocatalysts for (anti-spore activity against bacteria, etc), d) The mechanisms of various chemical reactions at heterogeneous interfaces catalytic reactions via Single-molecule chemistry and Time-resolved laser flash photolysis, and e) Creation of efficient light conversion material starting from the topotactic transformation.
nano_H-Liu-as_001 Liu H. Qilu University of Technology Jinan China

Dr. Haixia Liu received her Successive Postgraduate and Doctoral Program from the Shandong University, State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, China. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Qilu University of Technology, China. She is mainly engaged in the research work of solar photodecomposition water, hydrogen production, photocatalytic degradation and solar cells, involving new energy micro-nano materials, semiconductor photocatalytic materials, semiconductor luminescent materials and so on. Moreover, she has contributed her valuable publications in different scientific journals.
nano_M-Wen-as_001 Wen M. Guangdong University of Technology Guangzhou China

Dr Meicheng Wen received his PhD degree in Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science from the Osaka University. He was a specially appointed Assistant Professor in the Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science at Osaka University in 2016-2017. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control, Guangdong University of Technology, China. His research mainly focuses on the preparation of porous materials and their applications in energy conversion and environmental remediation. He has published 35 research articles in international journals, 1 book chapter, 13 patents, and has been involved in several industrial projects. He also serves as a reviewer for several international journals.
nano_F-Jiang-as_001 Jiang F. South China Normal University Guangzhou China nano_J-Wang-as_001 Wang J. University of Jinan Jinan China

Dr Junpeng Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Jinan. He received his PhD degree in Materials Science from Shandong University, China in 2013. His research is mainly focused on the photoelectrochemical properties of semiconductors and design and fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures and nanocomposites aimed at energy and environmental applications.
nano_W-K-Wang-as_001 Wang W-K. East China Normal University Shanghai China

Dr. Wei-Kang Wang received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Chemistry, USTC in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Han-Qing Yu. Then, he was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher and worked with Prof. Guohua Zhao in Department of Chemistry, Tongji University from 2017-2019. He is a professor now at the School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, China. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of functional materials, investigation of their photoelectrocatalytic mechanism in energy harvesting and environmental pollutants degradation. He has published 30 research articles in international journals. He also serves as a reviewer for several international journals.
nano_wu-s-as_001 Wu S. Hangzhou Dianzi University Hangzhou China

Dr Shiting Wu is a Lecturer at the Hangzhou Dianzi University. She received her PhD degree in Material Science and Engineering from Peking University, China in 2017. Her research interest focuses on the controlled assembly of 1D/2D nanomaterials and carbon nanomaterials for energy storage or conversion. Her research results have been published in Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Nano Research, and other international journals.
Associate Editorial Board Members ccs_ebm_Feng-Li-sh_001 Li Feng School of Physics The University of Sydney Sydney Australia

Dr. Feng Li received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014. He is currently a discovery early career researcher award (DECRA) fellow in School of Physics at the University of Sydney. He used to work at Sichuan University as an Associate Professor and also at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology as a Postdoctoral Fellow. His main research is centered on the characterization of physical properties of functional materials, with the aim for developing diverse high-performance optoelectronic, spintronic, and energy devices. Orcid Scopus
ccs_ebm_mathpal_001 Mathpal M.C. University Of Brasilia Brasilia Brazil

Dr. Mohan Chandra Mathpal has obtained his Ph.D degree from Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India in 2015. He received his M.Phil. degree in Material Science from Annamalai University Tamilnadu, India in 2008 and M.Sc. degree in Physics from C. C. S. University, Meerut in 2006. His current research interest includes plasmonic metamaterials, conducting/semiconducting thin films, graphene based noble metal nanoclusters and composites, dye sensitized solar cells, nitrogen- vacancy (NV) defects in nanodiamonds, heterostructures, sensors, oxides nanomaterials, DMS and magnetic nanostructures, optoelectronics nanomaterials, structural and optical properties of hybrid nanostructures for superior energy harvesting applications. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Bhattacharya-sh_001 Bhattacharya S. University of Kalyani Kalyani India Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_mathpal_001 Mathpal M.C. University Of Brasilia Brasilia Brazil

Dr. Mohan Chandra Mathpal has obtained his Ph.D degree from Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India in 2015. He received his M.Phil. degree in Material Science from Annamalai University Tamilnadu, India in 2008 and M.Sc. degree in Physics from C. C. S. University, Meerut in 2006. His current research interest includes plasmonic metamaterials, conducting/semiconducting thin films, graphene based noble metal nanoclusters and composites, dye sensitized solar cells, nitrogen- vacancy (NV) defects in nanodiamonds, heterostructures, sensors, oxides nanomaterials, DMS and magnetic nanostructures, optoelectronics nanomaterials, structural and optical properties of hybrid nanostructures for superior energy harvesting applications. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_zheng-m-as_001 Zheng M. China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou China

Prof. Ming Zheng obtained his PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. He was awarded a Fellowship by Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (JSPS) in 2018. In 2019, he was invited to join China University of Mining and Technology as a full professor. His current research interests include functional thin-film materials and devices. He has authored and co-authored 30 papers, published in internationally reputed journals including NPG Asia Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2), Appl. Phys. Lett. (8), Phys. Rev. Applied (2), Phys. Rev. B. He also served as a referee for well-known journals, such as NPG Asia Mater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Mater. Chem. C, Adv. Electron. Mater., etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_soleimani-h-as_001 Soleimani H. Universiti Teknologi Petronas Bandar Seri Iskandar Malaysia

Dr. Hassan Soleimani is currently an Associate Professor at the department of fundamental and applied sciences, University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia. He has obtained a PhD in wave propagation from University Putra Malaysia. He has published more than 120 research articles in peer reviewed International journals with high impact factor apart from conference proceedings. He is a committee member and an organizer of International conference of Diffusion in Solid and Liquids and conducting which is held in Europe yearly.He has been a visiting scientist at the Department of Materials Sciences and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK, Department of Physics, Wright State University, USA, Laboratory of High-Tech Materials University of Patras, Greece and School of Engineering, Griffith University, Australia. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_mallick-ps-as_001 Mallick P.S. Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore India

Prof (Dr.) Partha S Mallick is working as a Sr. Professor of Electronics Engineering, in VIT University, India. He was the Dean of School of Electrical Engineering (2011-15). Dr Mallick led various research teams and developed "Online Lab in Microelectronics", "Monte Carlo Simulator of Compound Semiconductors", "Nanostructured MIM Capacitor", "Low cost Electric Fencers" and published 110 research papers in different reputed Journals. Dr Mallick is a reviewer of 12 different Journals of IET, IEEE Transactions, Bentham Science and Elsevier. Dr Mallick is a regular speaker of Elsevier Research Connect Forum, India. He is finding new materials and technology for future nano scale electronics, VLSI circuit engineering and interconnects. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_chen-x-as_001 Chen X. East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai China

Dr. Xin Chen, is a Professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology in China (ECUST). He got his Ph.D. in Physics at University of Houston. He has worked in Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Houston, Peking University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and he is now a Professor in ECUST. He has some 50 international journals papers, 12 U.S. and China patents, edited/co-edited 3 books. He has got the Sigma Xi Research Achievement Award, NASA Space Act Award, etc. He is currently a Council Member of Shanghai Micrology Society. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_kumar-p-as_001 Kumar P. University of the Free State Bloemfontein South Africa

Mr. Promod Kumar received his M.Tech. degree in Nanoscience and Technology (NST) in 2010 from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi, India. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Plasmonics from National Institute of Technology, Hazratbal, Srinagar (J&K), India in 2015. He has also received the best oral presentation award in the National/International Conferences. Promod Kumar is also awarded the certificate of Merit in the National Seminar on Recent Advances On Luminescent Materials (RALM-2015) organized by the department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar- 608 002, India during January 23-24, 2015. He has published 35 research articles in international journal of repute and presented more than 40 articles in National as well as International conference. He has more than 4 year’s Post-doctoral research experience from University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Presently he is working as a Senior Researcher from the same university and also working as a visiting scientist in Central University of technology, Bloemfontein South Africa. His research interest includes plasmonic metamaterials, conducting- semiconducting thin films, heterostructures, Plasmonic based hybrid nanostructures for SERS applications, Plasmonic Photocatalysts for environmental remediation, Glass doped with Noble metal nanoclusters for Nonlinear optical devices, Graphene based hybrid nanostructures for solar cell applications, sensors, super-capacitor, oxides nanomaterials, DMS and magnetic nanostructures, structural and optical properties of hybrid materials for superior photovoltaic applications. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nano_anand-k-as_001 Anand K. University of the Free State Bloemfontein South Africa Orcid Scopus RsearcherId nanotec_mantilaka-as_001 Mantilaka P.G. University of Peradeniya Peradeniya Sri Lanka

Dr. Prasanga Gayanath Mantilaka is a Senior Lecturer at Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He has published over 120 publications including 35 papers, 70 abstracts in conferences. He has 9 patents for his innovations in nanotechnology and 4 commercialized products in the market. He is a supervisor for 2 PhD, 6 M.Phil.s and over 20 MS students. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_zhang-z-as_002 Zhang Z. Qufu Normal University Qufu China

Dr. Zhuo Zhang received his Ph.D degree from the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2010. From 2014 to 2019, Dr. Zhang focused on the study on nanomaterials for solar energy conversion system at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). Currently, he is a Professor in Qufu Normal University, China. His research interests include the design, fabrication and applications of nanomaterials in the field of green energy and environment. Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_zhang-z-as_001 Zhang Z. Kobe University Kobe Japan

Dr Zhujun Zhang is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Molecular Photo science Research Center, Kobe University. He received his PhD in Chemical Science from Kobe University in March 2020. His scientific research focuses on the design and synthesis of novel metallic nano-catalysts and metal oxide mesocrystals for the production of hydrogen and oxygen. He has published more than 10 papers in refereed journals. His present research interests are focused on the design and synthesis of metal oxide with tunable crystal structure and properties for photo electrochemical processes, such as solar water splitting, H2O2 production, and CO2 reduction. Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_shi-x-as_001 Shi X. Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou China

Dr Shi Xiaowei received his PhD degree from the School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan in 2018. His research interests focus on controllable design and synthesis of functional materials, photocatalytic materials for energy conversion and environmental remediation. His research results have been published in Appl. Catal. B: Environ., Small, J. Mater. Chem. A ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Langmuir and other international journals. Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_cai-x-as_001 Cai X. China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou China

Dr. Xiaoyan Cai is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Materials, China University of Mining and Technology. She received her Ph.D degree from Beihang University in 2018. Her research interests focus on first-principles calculation and controllable synthesis of functional materials, photocatalytic materials for energy conversion and environmental remediation. She has co-authored more than 20 peer-reviewed papers. Scopus RsearcherId
nanotec_jiang-z-as_001 Jiang Z. Qilu University of Technology Jinan China

Dr. Zaiyong Jiang got his PhD degree in Materials Science in June 2017, from Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, China. Then, he joined Qilu University of Technology. Now, he is an assistant professor of Qilu University of Technology, China. His current research topic covers the preparation and application of semiconductor nanomaterials, such as Bismuth-based nanostructures, TiO 2 and so on, for photocatalysis in pollutant decontamination, water splitting, photoreduction of carbon dioxide, lignin conversion and nitrogen fixation. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_Y-Li-as_001 Li Y. Jinan University Guangzhou China

Dr. Yuchao Li is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Nanophotonics, Jinan University, and a director for laboratory of nanophotonic manipulation. His research interests lie at nanophotonics and biophotonics. Dr. Li has published over 20 academic papers in SCI-indexed journals such as Nature Commun., ACS Nano, Light: Sci. Appl., Adv. Funct. Mater., and has applied for 10 national invention patents. Dr. Li has served as a session chair, organizing committee member and invited reporter at important academic conferences for several times, and he is currently an editorial board member of Journal of Biomaterials. Dr. Li was awarded with the 2019 IAAM Scientific Medal and 2018 Guangdong Provincial First Prize of Science and Technology (5/6). Orcid Scopus RsearcherId

Section: Nanotechnology

Research Article

Study of Thermal Conductivity in Two-dimensional Bi2Te3 from Micro- Raman Spectroscopy

Volume: 1, Issue: 4
Pp: 453-459
Author: Manavendra P. Singh, Sumarlang Ryntathiang, Sivarama Krishnan and Pramoda K. Nayak*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666210412101104
Published on: 12 April, 2021

Research Article

Covariance Matching Based Adaptive Attitude Estimation of a Nano- Satellite Using SVD-Aided EKF

Volume: 3, Issue: 2
Pp: 154-163
Author: Chingiz Hajiyev* and Demet Cilden-Guler
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220914094544
Published on: 17 October, 2022

Research Article

Clay-derived Synthesis of Supported α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles: Shape, Adsorption, and Photo-catalysis

Volume: 3, Issue: 1
Pp: 72-81
Author: Linrong Meng, Tao Hao, Xintai Su*, Xue Li* and Guofeng Wang
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220823152953
Published on: 26 September, 2022

Mini-Review Article

Construction of Artificial Cells Utilizing DNA Nanotechnology

Volume: 2, Issue: 3
Pp: 213-223
Author: Shuang Liu, Chunjuan Zhang, Fan Yang, Zhenzhen Guo and Qiaoling Liu*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298102666220302095040
Published on: 06 April, 2022

Research Article

Facile and Green Synthesis of Clean Porous Pd/2D-material Nanocomposites with Improved Catalytic Properties in 4-nitrophenol Reduction Reaction - The First Part

Volume: 1, Issue: 2
Pp: 252-259
Author: Kai Ke, Haiyang Liu, Xin Chen*, Lingling Wang, Jiali Fang, Yulian Wu, Chuanzhen Wang, Chang Li and Xiaoxiang Yang
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999201223091354
Published on: 22 December, 2020

Research Article

Sodium Alginate Modified Hydroxyapatite Nanotubes as a Novel Ecofriendly Additive for Preparation of Polyethersulfone Hybrid Ultrafiltration Membranes

Volume: 1, Issue: 2
Pp: 260-271
Author: Yongfeng Mu, Jun Liu, Han Feng and Guibin Wang*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999210104224159
Published on: 04 January, 2021

Research Article

Solidifying Essential Balm into Electrospun Core-sheath Nanofibers for Prolonged Release

Volume: 1, Issue: 1
Pp: 122-131
Author: Kun Zhao, Yao-Yao Yang*, Shi-Xiong Kang and Deng-Guang Yu*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666201012121522
Published on: 12 October, 2020

Research Article

Revisiting the Polyol Synthesis and Plasmonic Properties of Silver Nanocubes

Volume: 1, Issue: 1
Pp: 132-140
Author: Hongyue Wang*, Yangyang Guo, Miao Zhang, Huixin Li, Yang Wei, Yiming Qian, Yunhan Zhang, Bo Tang, Zhenhua Sun and Hongqiang Wang*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999200819155324
Published on: 19 August, 2020

Research Article

Exploring the Effect of the Number of Characteristic Groups in Melaminebased Polymers on the Photocatalytic Performance

Volume: 1, Issue: 1
Pp: 141-150
Author: Zhenhua Jiang, Cailing Ni, Yubing Zhou and Yuancheng Qin*
DOI: 10.2174/2210298101999200716191729
Published on: 16 July, 2020

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