Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms
Page: 1-28 (28)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010003
PDF Price: $30
The Fourth Industrial Revolution generation has ushered in extremely sophisticated
digital apparatuses that have taken the place of manual processing to ensure higher
automation and sophistication. Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides the tools to exhibit
human-like behaviors while adjusting to the newly given inputs and accommodating change in the environment. Moreover, the tech-giants such as Amazon, Apple, IBM,
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and many others are investing in generating AI-driven
products to facilitate the market demands for sophisticated automation. AI will
continually influence areas such as job opportunities, environmental protection,
healthcare, and other areas in economic and social systems.
Understanding Throughput Decision-making Modeling
Page: 29-68 (40)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010004
PDF Price: $30
Individuals and organizations need to make decisions daily. Given limited time in
formulating issues and addressing problems, individuals and organizations must enjoy
a certain degree of discretion in planning, revising, and implementing strategies. The
Throughput Model facilitates individuals and organizations to simplify process models
by modeling perception, information, judgment, and decision choice in a parallel
modeling and neural network system. In addition, the Throughput Model allows for a
fundamental and wide-ranging approach to understanding first through fifth dimensions
dealing with problem solving as well as advancing our knowledge towards quantum
Six Dominant Decision-making Algorithms
Page: 69-95 (27)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010005
PDF Price: $30
Algorithms have been implemented to benefit decision-making for hundreds of years
and pre-date computers. While algorithms are hardly a contemporary invention, they
are nonetheless progressively intricate in systems implemented to support decisionmaking. Algorithmic decision-making is the processing of input data or perceptual
processing to influence a judgment or decision choice. Further, algorithms are utilized
to support decisions such as prioritization, classification, association, and filtering. This
chapter illustrates a broad introduction to six fundamental algorithms for decision
making. These algorithms in total make up the Throughput Model. Each algorithm is
clearly presented and can comprehensively assist individuals and organizations in
considering a wide range of issues.
The Expedient Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 96-129 (34)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010006
PDF Price: $30
The Expedient Algorithmic Pathway (P→D) represents an individual or organization
with a certain level of expertise providing a decision without the assistance of
information since the information may be too noisy, incomplete, inadequately
understood, or the alternatives cannot be differentiated. In addition, time pressures may
circumvent an individual or organization from analyzing the available information.
This algorithm is very useful in AI applications ranging from data gathering to problem
The Ruling Guide Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 130-157 (28)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010007
PDF Price: $30
The Ruling Guide Algorithmic Pathway (P→J→D) elucidates a decision-making
process from perception through judgment to decision choice. This algorithmic
pathway is portrayed as a perceptual framing of the decision in which a person or
organization may have biases and strategies, time pressures, a rejection of new
informational sources, and a certain degree of expertise. This algorithmic pathway is
correspondingly helpful in handling situations from both stable and unstable
The Analytical Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 158-189 (32)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010008
PDF Price: $30
The Analytical Algorithmic Pathway, I→J→D, involves of attaining the most
usefulness from an individual or organization decision given reliable and relevant
information. On the other hand, information that is incomplete, noisy, and/or difficult to interpret deteriorates the interpretation of this algorithmic pathway. This algorithmic
pathway shoulders that all information is known, the environment is controllable, and
the information is precise, in that it can be related to other events, or that it can be rated
or ranked. Characteristically, the environment is stable, and the information and events
are precise.
The Revisionist Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 190-212 (23)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010009
PDF Price: $30
The Revisionist Algorithmic Pathway (I→P→D) focusses on an unstructured
environment whereby people or organizations may use all available information to
influence their perception before rendering a decision. In this situation, the information
can be complete or incomplete. Nonetheless, due to the vagueness of the event it
becomes challenging for individuals or organizations to model the data according to
rating, ranking, or ordering. Hence, the use of this algorithmic pathway is highly
dependent on information changing resulting in a alteration of how individuals or
organizations perceive a situation.
The Value-driven Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 213-238 (26)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010010
PDF Price: $30
The Value Driven Algorithmic Pathway (P→I→J→D) designates how people or
organizational perceptual framing assists in guiding and selecting types of information
utilized in the judgmental stage. This algorithmic pathway is motivated by information
processing limitations, complexity, and coherence between perception and the available
information. Therefore, to take this algorithmic pathway, a person or organization’s
perception is modified and selected as the information that will be analyzed for a
decision choice.
The Global Perspective Algorithmic Pathway
Page: 239-261 (23)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010011
PDF Price: $30
The Global Perspective Algorithmic Pathway (I→P→J→D) takes into deliberation all
types of information sources. This algorithmic pathway requests for an open-minded
approach in which all possible information sources will be considered that can assist to
update and modify a person or organization’s perceptual frame. This process begins
with information revising perception, followed by judgment to the decision choice.
This algorithmic pathway is most ideal when there are no time pressures that will
bound the time it takes to assemble the information and analyze the problem.
Moving Forward with Throughput Modelling and Advancing Technologies
Page: 262-287 (26)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010012
PDF Price: $30
AI and related digital technologies have practically weaved its way through everything
the 21st Century is tied to for performance and productivity. It provides individuals and
organizations with a better, closer, more holistic view of solutions as never before. For
most organizations, speed is essential on today’s landscape. Furthermore, AI, machine
learning, deep learning, natural language processing, big data, and other digital
technologies assist individuals and organizations to collaborate with others in real time
and connect processes and data to rapidly build trust and confidence.
The Coming Era of Artificial Intelligence will Provide Prosperity and Peace
Page: 288-304 (17)
Author: Waymond Rodgers
DOI: 10.2174/9789815049541122010014
PDF Price: $30
All around the planet, individuals and organizations have had to suddenly re-evaluate
their plans. The necessity to innovate and transform organizations to the new frontier is
upon us now. AI and its related digital technologies have taken over the traditional
computing methods, changing how many individuals and organizations perform their
day-to-day operations. From research and manufacturing to modernizing finance and
healthcare streams, leading AI has transformed the entire tapestry in economic,
political, and social endeavors in a relatively short amount of time. Moreover, the
Throughput Model algorithmic processes can assist in the digital transformation and
adoption of AI and related digital technologies by organizations by providing essential
algorithms to solve and optimize many core challenges in the world today. These
algorithms can be applied directly to assist programmers when it comes to designing
software systems, detecting, and overcoming software bugs, as well as when it comes
to writing code. By utilizing the Throughput Model algorithmic pathways may assist
the structure of the code, which can provide the AI system with useful suggestions, not
only improving the overall productivity but also assist in reducing wasteful time,
confusion as well as ethical dilemmas.
This book describes the Throughput Model methodology that can enable individuals and organizations to better identify, understand, and use algorithms to solve daily problems. The Throughput Model is a progressive model intended to advance the artificial intelligence (AI) field since it represents symbol manipulation in six algorithmic pathways that are theorized to mimic the essential pillars of human cognition, namely, perception, information, judgment, and decision choice. The six AI algorithmic pathways are (1) Expedient Algorithmic Pathway, (2) Ruling Algorithmic Guide Pathway, (3) Analytical Algorithmic Pathway, (4) Revisionist Algorithmic Pathway, (5) Value Driven Algorithmic Pathway, and (6) Global Perspective Algorithmic Pathway. As AI is increasingly employed for applications where decisions require explanations, the Throughput Model offers business professionals the means to look under the hood of AI and comprehend how those decisions are attained by organizations. Key Features: - Covers general concepts of Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Explains the importance of dominant AI algorithms for business and AI research - Provides information about 6 unique algorithmic pathways in the Throughput Model - Provides information to create a roadmap towards building architectures that combine the strengths of the symbolic approaches for analyzing big data - Explains how to understand the functions of an AI algorithm to solve problems and make good decisions - informs managers who are interested in employing ethical and trustworthiness features in systems. Dominant Algorithms to Evaluate Artificial Intelligence: From the view of Throughput Model is an informative reference for all professionals and scholars who are working on AI projects to solve a range of business and technical problems.