How to Build a Drug: Exercises Based on the Concept of Retrosynthetic Analysis
Page: 1-46 (46)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010002
PDF Price: $15
Concepts involving retrosynthesis were and are essential to the development of organic synthesis as science and art. Therefore, the first four exercises are based on this concept. These exercises were subdivided into themes and degrees of increasing difficulty so that the reader could gradually progress and become familiar with their concepts. Thus, the first exercise begins with the retrosynthetic analysis of drugs based on the identification of only two synthons and their respective synthetic equivalents (reagents and substances) necessary for their synthesis. Exercises 2, 3, and 4 are thematic and based on the identification of epoxides, piperazines, and aldehydes, used in the synthesis of drugs and bioactive substances as well as other synthons and their respective synthetic equivalents present in the exercises.
Organizing Synthetic Routes and Identifying Reagents
Page: 47-69 (23)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010003
PDF Price: $15
In this chapter, the exercises below are based on two themes. First, exercises based on the synthesis of several drugs and bioactive compounds used to treat various diseases. Therefore, several reaction conditions are presented. However, these conditions are disordered, and it is up to the reader to order them. The other theme is to identify reagents used for the preparation of a specific target molecule. This type of training is essential because it allows the reader to contact different types of reagents and chemical transformations and use them in a sequentially correct way.
Identifying Drug Structure and Completing the Gaps
Page: 70-113 (44)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010004
PDF Price: $15
In this chapter, the exercises below are also based on two themes. The first has an objective of the identification of the structure of the drugs having information of the starting materials and reagents used. This activity also enables the reader to become familiar with different classical chemical transformations used in medicinal chemistry and with varying types of reagents, reaction conditions, and necessary intermediates. In the second theme, the exercises are based on a series of gaps in the synthesis of different drugs. Therefore, it is up to the reader to complete them. This type of exercise is a combination of the themes previously presented. It is necessary to identify the reagents' use, the reaction conditions employed, and the intermediates formed, besides the use of the concept of retrosynthesis.
Heteroaromatic Substances
Page: 114-132 (19)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010005
PDF Price: $15
Heteroaromatics are substances having one or more atoms in the aromatic ring other than the carbon atom. This class of compounds is fundamental in developing new drugs, being present in a large number of drugs and bioactive compounds. Some of these cores are listed below, and it is worth noting that due to their immense structural variety, we mentioned only the most common ones. The exercises of this item we based on the formation of different heteroaromatic substances, and it is up to the reader to identify the respective nuclei.
Hydrazine and its Derivatives
Page: 133-149 (17)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010006
PDF Price: $15
The chemical hydrazine (NH2NH2) and its derivatives have several applications being also responsible for a large number of chemical transformations. This class has applications as rocket fuel and being present in the composition of explosives, in the control of corrosion, and the area of polymers. They also have full use in the development of bioactive substances being of great importance in medicinal chemistry. In the exercises of this chapter, we can synthesize several rings using hydrazine and its derivatives, and it is up to the readers to identify them.
Page: 150-164 (15)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010007
PDF Price: $15
Nitrile is a chemical function found in several drugs in the market for different kinds of diseases and can be transformed into several other functional groups such as ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, amines, amides, and other functional groups. The use of nitriles is also advantageous in forming heteroaromatic nuclei with important applications in medicinal chemistry. In this chapter, the exercises are based on the use of nitriles to form a different nucleus.
Combinatorial Chemistry
Page: 165-175 (11)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010008
PDF Price: $15
Combinatorial chemistry is a methodology developed based on the synthesis of many compounds (hundreds, thousands, or even millions) in a simple chemical process building libraries of these compounds. In medicinal chemistry, an essential factor is the number of different molecules to be produced. For obtaining a leading compound and later a candidate drug, the biological evaluation of thousands of compounds is necessary. Therefore, the exercises below are based on combinatorial chemistry.
Multicomponent Reaction (MCR)
Page: 176-196 (21)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010009
PDF Price: $15
Multicomponent reaction (MCR) is a type of reaction based on a mixture of three or more compounds or reagents leading only to one or a major molecule being able to form complex molecules with a high degree of control of the stereogenic centers in only one step. This methodology is also a useful tool in medicinal chemistry to produce a diversity of compounds for biological evaluation. Due to its importance, the exercises below focus on this technique.
Click Chemistry
Page: 197-208 (12)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010010
PDF Price: $15
The most famous reaction, based on the click chemistry concept, is to obtain 1,2,3-triazoles, employing the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between azides and alkynes. This reaction raised intense interest in academics and industrialists and was discovered independently by Sharpless and the Danish Morten Meldal in the year 2002. They demonstrated that the addition of copper as a catalyst has several advantages, such as an increase in the speed of the reaction, regioselectivity, high yields, and reactions are easy to elaborate. Due to its importance in drug discovery, the exercises below are based on this concept.
Fluorine in Drug Discovery
Page: 209-227 (19)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010011
PDF Price: $15
Fluorine chemistry is an important area that made a significant impact on drug discovery development, which can be seen by a large number of drugs in the market containing this chemical element. The success of drugs containing fluorine atoms in its structures is due to its chemical properties compared to the other elements, providing several advantages in drug discovery. Some of these advantages are better metabolic stability, avoiding undesired metabolizations, and improving the bioavailability of the drugs, among others. Due to its importance in drug discovery, the exercises below are focused on fluorine chemistry.
List of Journals Used and Their Respective Abbreviations
Page: 228-229 (2)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010012
List of Abbreviations
Page: 230-234 (5)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010013
Subject Index
Page: 235-139 (-95)
Author: Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza
DOI: 10.2174/9789811487569120010014
Exercises in Organic Synthesis Based on Synthetic Drugs presents information on topics about the synthesis of biologically active compounds which are used against a range of diseases in both humans and animals. Topics are supplemented by notes and exercises for students to stimulate inquiry and learning in the academic environment. Readers will be equipped with basic knowledge of synthetic techniques used in organic chemistry and pharmaceutical research and development. Key Features: - Presents information about different techniques and strategies for the synthesis of organic compounds - Covers a broad range of biologically active compounds - Easy to read topical presentation - Exercises, with answers, designed for improving concepts in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry - Wide range of bibliographic references for further reading and exercises presented, Exercises in Organic Synthesis Based on Synthetic Drugs is an essential textbook for students in beginner level courses in organic chemistry, organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.