In this work, we make a comparative study of energy performance in different types of buildings. We analyse three cases of office and three of residential buildings, which are compared with samples of previous researches. We look for correlative or different behaviour in terms of potential energy losses and gains. Then, we compare indicators and indexes with Argentinean Standards to verify their efficiency level. We use the “Energo-CAD” methodology and energy model, based on steady-state balances. We discuss the results of energy audits that show discomfort with high energy demand, and their relation to energy breakdown in this country. We conclude that the indicators employed show clear results, and facilitate the comparison among studied cases. There are discrepancies among different size buildings, and we must remark the progressive growth of energy inefficiency. Nevertheless, small buildings are relatively less energy-efficient than large ones. This work ends showing that the sample does not meet the National Standards, even when they are compulsory by law since 2003 in the province of Buenos Aires.
Keywords: Argentina, buildings, comfort level, electricity, energy indicators, energy efficiency, energy audits, energy consumption, energy demand, energy indicators, energy model, energy performance, energy policies, environment, habitat, housing, metropolitan area, natural gas, residential buildings, Standards, sustainable design, thermal load.