Mechatronic & Innovative Applications

Development of Low Cost Electromyography (EMG) Controlled Prosthetic Hand

Author(s): Shailabh Suman, Sunil Kumar and Pushparaj Mani Pathak

Pp: 37-54 (18)

DOI: 10.2174/978160805441111201010037

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Myoelectric signals are weak signals (order of micro-volts) generated by the muscular activity. The contraction of muscles can generate microvolt level electrical signals within the muscles. These signals can be realized on the surface of skin above the muscles or within the muscles using a needle. Based on this phenomenon, it was thought of implementing a myoelectric control to prosthetic hands which would use a surface electrode to receive myoelectric signals from disabled persons’ residual limb. A prothetic hand is a customized limb that can be fitted on a disabled persons’ residual limb to assist them in manipulation, which can be only performed by hands. This chapter demonstrates the principle of controlling the prosthetic hand by Surface EMG signals on a wooden prototype. The developed prosthetic hand also uses force sensor and proximity sensor to aid the EMG sensor for hybrid control. The chapter describes the various steps for development of low cost surface EMG controlled prosthetic hand.

Keywords: Electromyography, force sensor, proximity sensor, robotic manipulator, prosthetic hand.

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