The Wrong Assumption

The Outer Limits

Author(s): Diego Elustondo

Pp: 18-36 (19)

DOI: 10.2174/978160805381011201010018

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


“The Outer Limits” seeks to determine if science alone could describe everything that is real in the universe. Most would probably agree that not everything can be explained by science. However, the question addressed here is whether science might be able to explain those things in the future. To answer this question, this chapter quickly moves through history from the discovery of electricity and magnetism to the development of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. It concludes that the separation between objects and events only exist within well-defined theoretical limits, and beyond those limits, everything converges into invisible forms of existence. It does not matter how much technology may advance in the future, there are certain things in the universe that can only be perceived in the mind of the observer.

Keywords: Units of measurement, electricity, magnetism, theory of electromagnetism, speed of light, special theory of relativity, time dilation, length contraction, general theory of relativity, space time continuum, three-color vision, ultraviolet catastrophe, photoelectric effect, photons, quantum mechanics, the wave function, wave particle duality, uncertainty principle, schrödinger’s cat, many-worlds theory.

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