Several X-ray diffraction methods using synchrotron sources are discussed in this chapter. For epitaxial semiconductor samples, high resolution double axis and reciprocal space mapping methods are applicable and measurement time can be reduced by the use of synchrotron radiation. The lattice strain can be deduced directly from the measured inter-planar spacing using Bragg’s law without modeling. Polycrystalline samples such as metal films are measured by the sin2Ψand sin2Ψmethods. Interconnects with widths of the order of one micron can be mapped at this spatial resolution by a scanning X-ray microdiffraction technique. This method does not involve sample rotation by a goniometer. The strain tensor is deduced from an analysis of the von Laue diffraction image and comparison with a structural model of the sample. A high flux density polychromatic X-ray beam is essential for this method.
Keywords: Electron backscattering, Photovoltaics, Lithium ion battery, Resolution, Throughput.