Bacteria that are associated with human health are receiving a growing
amount of attention, particularly those that inhabit the body's niches, such as the neural
stem, neurons, gastrointestinal tract, skin, vaginal environment, and lungs.
Biosurfactants are molecules that are both hydrophobic and hydrophilic, and receive
little attention among the secondary metabolites that are released by microorganisms
that are associated with human health. Not only do they serve as biosurfactants, but
they also have the potential to control the microbiota through their antimicrobial
activity and quorum sensing system in the complex human environment. They and the
human body as a whole are shielded from microbial and fungal pathogens by these
functions. Because of their diverse structures, biological functions, low toxicity, higher
biodegradability, and adaptability, biosurfactants are now emerging as promising
bioactive molecules. As a result, biosurfactants with antimicrobial activity, which are
produced by bacteria that are associated with the human body and are related to
everything that humans come into contact with, such as food, beverages, and
comestics, are the subject of this comprehensive review.