Epigenetics is the term that comes before genetics. DNA is not able to
determine the characteristics of a human being. The genotype corresponds to Prakriti
by birth, and the phenotype corresponds to the psychophysiological constitution of
Prakrit. The features and properties of RNA represent the Tridosha at the cellular level,
which can be identified under the heading of mRNA, tRNA, and protein. There are four
significant factors, i.e., lifestyle and behavior, diet and digestion, stress, and
environmental factors responsible for changes in the phenotype that led to changes in
the genotypic expressions without changing the basic structure of DNA.
Nowadays, changing lifestyles, food habits, stress factors, uncontrolled pesticides used
in the agricultural field, global warming, and undue environmental changes lead to
epigenetic changes in humans. Ayurveda addresses solutions to the affecting factors by
adopting the basic principles of Ayurveda, including daily routine, behavior, diet plan,
exercise, meditation, medications, purification therapies, etc. The integration of the
Indian system and the current medical system facilitates optimum health and stability
for humanity. Further research on modalities, drugs, formulations, and herbs explained
in Ayurveda for affective gene expression is needed to fulfill various cancers' desired