Triacylglycerols and steryl esters are the most common nonpolar lipids
found in Fungi. When cells are provided with an abundance of carbon-rich nutrients,
these storage lipids accumulate. Nonpolar lipids are sequestered from the cytosolic
environment in lipid droplets (LDs) because they cannot be incorporated into
biomembranes in large quantities. Triacylglycerol lipases and steryl ester hydrolases
mobilize lipids from this compartment upon demand. The degradation products act as
energy sources or building blocks for membrane formation. This chapter covers the
mechanisms of triacylglycerol and steryl ester synthesis, storage of these lipids in lipid
droplets, and subsequent mobilization in oleaginous fungi. The information on fungi’s
LD biology, like size and distribution, their composition, mechanism and dynamics of
formation, and their role in cell physiology, is important from a physiological and
biotechnological point of view that will facilitate these organisms as model systems
and also promote biofuel development.