Reliable scientific answers to questions posed by social sciences, like
archeology, to exact sciences, like physics or chemistry, depend not only on
meaningfully posed questions, well-selected and pretreated samples and accurate and
precise measurements, but also on an area of interpretation that exists between the two
fields. This interdisciplinary area consists of many representations of measurement
data, notions, and concepts that evolve through solving particular problems. However,
this set of concepts is not always determinate, clear and consistent, obscuring the
problem and obstructing the interpretation of results. The chapter explains this starting
with a concrete example of measurements of archaeological glass using simultaneous
PIXE/PIGE measurements, explaining general and technical details of measurements,
and proceeds to show how the measurements are treated, processed, and displayed in
ways to comply with the concepts, interpret the results, and provide adequate answers
to the questions posed by archeology. The chapter also offers some possible
improvements through a few novel concepts and ways of interpretation.