Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are infectious diseases of the respiratory
tract caused by viruses, bacteria, and atypical bacteria. They range in severity and even
mild cases may cause a significant reduction in workplace productivity. ARIs
commonly occur in outbreaks and disproportionally impact workers in occupations
where workers are in close proximity to co-workers, members of the public, or where
they reside in densely populated housing. High-risk workers include those in the
healthcare sector, protective service, food and meat processing, service, and education
industries. A person can become infected by inhaling virus-laden aerosols, having
virus-contaminated sprayborne drops impinge on exposed mucous membranes, and
touching contaminated surfaces followed by self-inoculation. More than one transfer
process may be involved in the transmission, and the dominant route may differ for
different causative agents, environments, and activity patterns. Preventing ARI
transmission in the workplace must be holistic in approach and begin with anticipation
and recognition of potential risks, reinforced by the continuous evaluation and
implementation of control strategies. Control measures should be layered and multiple
routes of transmission should be addressed. Controls should be adapted to the specific
workplace and the ARI to prevent pathogen introduction, rapidly detect cases, and
promptly eliminate exposure. Prevention and control can be accomplished by
promoting vaccination, improving ventilation and air cleaning, providing paid sick
leave, flexible working conditions, and work-from-home options. Promoting hand
sanitation and providing appropriate personal protective equipment are important but
never sufficient in isolation. Occupational health professionals should partner with
workplace engineers and human resource departments to design effective programs.
Keywords: Acute respiratory infections, Coronaviruses, COVID-19, Employee Health Services, Infectious Diseases, Influenza, MERS, occupational Health, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Rhinovirus, SARS, SARS-CoV-2, Workplace.