Buildings consume nearly one-third of global energy and are responsible for
one-fourth of CO2
emissions, thereby playing a crucial role in polluting the earth. Cities
are more vulnerable as there are more buildings and a huge population due to
employment opportunities. Hence, there is a need for the transformation of cities into
smart cities with viable environments by making buildings smart. Smart cities with
energy-efficient buildings can improve the economy and reduce pollution effects,
thereby improving the quality of city life. As human errors and carelessness jeopardise
energy conservation and eco-friendly initiatives in traditional buildings, automatic
internet of things (IOT) monitored building control, also known as a smart building, is
a need of the hour if the world is to advance toward smart cities. The management of
the cities should estimate their energy consumption in advance and plan strategies that
will help in reducing the energy consumption of both commercial and residential
buildings towards creating a pollution-free smart city. The IOT sensors produce
continuous streaming data, which necessitates big data analysis to improve the
performance of building in terms of energy consumption. Big data analysis based on
machine learning techniques is currently being employed for such an automatic
analysis and management of buildings based on IOT sensor data. This chapter focuses
on bringing out the commercially available IOT sensors for collecting building data,
their efficiencies, extracted features and the commonly used machine learning
techniques, their strengths, and drawbacks and also identifies the research gap and
work to be done for further improving big data analysis of smart energy management.
Keywords: Big data, Gateway, HVAC, IOT, Machine Learning, Neural network, Raspberry pi, Sensors, Smart city, Smart building.