Emerging Water Pollutants: Concerns and Remediation Technologies

Emerging Water Pollutants, their Toxicities, and Global Legislations

Author(s): Shoaib Ahmed, Fahad Saleem Ahmed Khan, Nabisab Mujawar Mubarak*, Yie Hua Tan, Rama Rao Karri, Mohammad Khalid, Rashmi Walvekar, Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Shaukat Ali Mazari and Sabzoi Nizamuddin

Pp: 1-27 (27)

DOI: 10.2174/97897815040739122010003

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


 Emerging pollutants (EPs) in the environment have become a significant source of pollution and cause of serious concern for the ecosystem and human health. Although during the recent decades, extensive research has been performed worldwide for the detection and analysis of EPs, continuous refinement, and development of specific analytical techniques; a great number of undetected EPs still need to be investigated in different components of the ecosystem and biological tissues. Therefore, this chapter provides extensive reviews of several emerging pollutants reported around the globe along with their physiochemical properties and potential ecological impacts. Moreover, formulated legislations and policy regulations for the monitoring of EPs are also discussed in this chapter.

Keywords: Antibiotics, Concerns of emerging pollutants, Emerging pollutants, Emerging water pollutants, Legislations, Personal-care-products, Pesticides, Pollutant toxicity.

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