COVID-19 disease is still affecting millions of people due to its high
infectivity rate and attack rate. The host body's immune response to 2019-nCoV is one
of the major factors to cause disease more severe, leading to cytokine storm syndrome
(CSS). In fatal cases of COVID-19, pathological testing has confirmed the presence of
immune hyper-activation, leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and
collateral tissue damage. Furthermore, rational control of 2019-nCoV immune
responses, including boosting antiviral immunity while reducing systemic
inflammation, may be crucial for effective and successful treatment. Hence, immune
therapy is one of the best choices to combat immunopathogenesis-derived COVID-19
disease. We present possible immunotherapies based upon the immune response to
2019-nCoV and dysfunction of the immune response of CSS. Correct
immunomodulation may be useful for severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Moreover, immunomodulators usage, either immunosuppressants or immune
enhancers, will depend on the progressive course point of COVID-19 disease and the
immune status of that patient. In this entry, we reviewed the various
immunotherapeutic strategies, including current investigational candidates of natural
immune modulators, convalescent plasma therapy, monoclonal antibodies therapy, IFN
therapy, and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy. The main aim of this review
article is to address the current findings and experience in immunotherapy against
Keywords: 1, 3beta-glucan, Chitosan, Convalescent Plasma (CP) therapy, COVID-19, CR3022, IFN therapy, Immunomodulators, IVIg therapy, Monoclonal antibodies therapy.