Rheumatoid Arthritis elaborated as Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic
chronic inflammatory condition that might affect numerous organs and tissues in a
human body, but mainly it attacks the synovial joints. These methods result in the
inflammatory synovitis (synovium) response. Factors that lead to an increase in the risk
of rheumatoid arthritis are age, sex, family history, smoking, obesity, and exposure to
pollutants. RA holds the ability to put a person at a higher risk of developing other
medical conditions if it is not controlled timely. A syndrome named carpal tunnel is
another common condition found in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Trauma, infection, smoking cigarettes are some of the examples of external triggers
which can trigger the reaction of the auto-immune system, which results in chronic
joint inflammation and synovial hypertrophy in addition to a potential of other
manifestations, which will be theorized for going on in people prone genetically. The
pathological process of the disease usually results in destructing the articular cartilage
as well as the joints ankylosis. Rheumatoid Arthritis could also result in diffusive lung
inflammation, sclera, pleura, pericardium, as well as nodular lesions, which are also
common in subcutaneous tissue. However, the causes of RA are still not known, the
autoimmunity holds an important part in both the progression and chronicity.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic disorder. RA can be prevented by using coldwater,
living fish oil, from the herring, cod, mackerel, and salmon fish, which contains
omega-3 fatty acids in high amounts, Vitamin-D supplements, and adopting the
lifestyle modifications such as avoiding smokingand weight loss.
Keywords: Cytokines, Vitamin D, Infection, Interleukins, Nodular lesions, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Omega-3 fatty acids, Smoking, Synovial hypertrophy, Tendon.