The use of chemical fertilizers improves plant growth growth and causes
pollution, affecting human health. The use of microorganisms to increase the plant
yield has many advantages viz., eco-friendly, economical, and easy. The fungi produce
many secondary metabolites and can be used to promote plant growth. This will be a
sustainable approach and also avoid pollution. The fungi produce plant growth
promoting substances, act as strong biocontrol agents, and also show antimicrobial
effects against the harmful pathogens, thus preventing the diseases of the plants. This
chapter focuses on the importance of fungi in agriculture, which will help farmers. The
solid-state fermentation using Aspergillus sp. for plant growth-promoting substances is
also mentioned in the chapter. The chapter is significant as it highlights the use of the
biological process to improve plant growth, which is the need of the hour.
Keywords: Biopesticide, Chitinase, Eco-friendly, Pollution, Siderophores, Spores.