Demystifying COVID-19: Understanding the Disease, Its Diagnosis and Treatment

Principles of Vaccination: Will it be the Definitive Solution?

Author(s): Ozgur Karcioglu *, Selman Yeniocak and Mandana Hosseinzadeh

Pp: 365-384 (20)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681087788121010017

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Vaccination immunity is vital to prevent widespread viral infection and reduce morbidity and mortality. Patients with COVID-19 infection develop a polyclonal active immune response to viral antigens. Antibodies that develop as a result of this polyclonal immunity can neutralize the virus and prevent further infection in the recovered host. The magnitude and duration of protection of a vaccine administered to humans in society cannot be the same for every individual. The acquisition of immunity depends on the functioning of the person's own immune system. Therefore, a vaccine in the population is never 100 % protective. There are expectations that the COVID-19 vaccine should have at least a 50% protection rate. Vaccine development stages also require a process that can take years; therefore, the public will probably hardly reach a vaccine that is safe and economical for public use in the near future. The global medical community should search for effective ways to provide vaccination be easily reached by vulnerable groups all over the world in order to secure healthy new generations.

Keywords: COVID-19, Management, Vaccination, Vaccination immunity.

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