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Current Diabetes Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3998
ISSN (Online): 1875-6417

Review Article

The Worrying Trend of Diabetes Mellitus in Saudi Arabia: An Urgent Call to Action

Author(s): Asirvatham A. Robert* and Mohamed A. Al Dawish

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2020

Page: [204 - 210] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1573399815666190531093735

Price: $65


From last few years, the pervasiveness of diabetes mellitus (DM), in Saudi Arabia, is growing at a frightening rate. Overall, one-fourth of the adult population is affected by DM, which is further predicted to rise to more than double by the year 2030. The most alarming is possibly the escalation propensity of diabetes, in recent years, where a nearly ten-fold increase has been witnessed over the past thirty years in Saudi Arabia. However, the number of research arbitrations on the prevalence and incidence of DM is woefully inadequate, as compared to developed countries. Apart from this, most of the existing research data carried out in Saudi Arabia is cross-sectional, with small sample sizes, which most often involve only certain parts of the country. Consequently, the present scenario demands more multidimensional and multisectoral research to strengthen the evidence base and to accumulate greater knowledge as a basis for measures and programmes to confront diabetes and its complications. Thus, the present report makes an attempt to depict the current trend of diabetes as well as intends to put forward essential measures for controlling diabetes in Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes, pediatric diabetes, type 1 diabetes, diabetes complications, Saudi Arabia.

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