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The Natural Products Journal


ISSN (Print): 2210-3155
ISSN (Online): 2210-3163

Review Article

New Aspects of the Medicinal Value of Cornsilk: A Review

Author(s): Priyansha Bhatia, Sushma Chaturvedi*, Sonika Shrivastav and Md Sabir Alam

Volume 15, Issue 1, 2025

Published on: 14 March, 2024

Article ID: e140324227982 Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/0122103155272229240305111959

Price: $65


Cornsilk has been a natural remedy for centuries to treat various medical conditions. Recent research shows the anti-inflammatory activities of cornsilk extract, which can help relieve pain. Certain biopeptides are involved in the induction of anti-inflammatory action in the administration of cornsilk extract. The analgesic activity of cornsilk is due to the presence of tannins and polyphenolic constituents in Zea mays. Besides maysin, many other factors, such as steroids, flavonoids, volatile oils, and various phenolic compounds, make cornsilk extract a modern anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug with minor side effects. In diverse cultures and folk medicines, cornsilk is used for its diuretic properties, reduction in melanin production properties, and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Silver nanoparticles using a combined extract of cornsilk, parsley, and Arabic gum extract have been reported to reduce inflammation. These effects have been observed in vivo. This formulation has anti-microbial as well as antioxidant properties. This review article focuses on the newer aspects of the medicinal value of cornsilk.

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